Learn what 3 cups of coffee a day can do to your liver


Learn what 3 cups of coffee a day can do to your liver. Check out the article we found over at Buy Non-GMO Seeds.

Coffee has been a topic of controversy for many years. Find out what 3 cups of coffee per day can do to your liver.

The Dr. from Maryland, Dr. Xiao Qian, explain that scientists have found the coffee affects the liver positively, but they didn’t know decaf could provide the same benefits. When Xiao and his admin-ajax-510team tested the decaf coffee, they used data and review research that was conducted almost 20 years ago.

The research was an insight to overall health of Americans who performed medical testing’s and interviews. They also found that individuals who had 3 cups of coffee or more had less non-performing liver enzymes than those who didn’t drink coffee. The enzymes are the aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, and gamma glutamyl transaminase.

These enzymes are usually present when the liver cells are damaged or destroyed, or if the flow of bile has become blocked. People who participated that reported drinking 3 or more cups of coffee a day had lower levels of these enzymes.

Image credit: Buy Non-GMO Seeds

Read full article: This Is What 3+ Cups of Coffee a Day Do To Your Liver

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