These Plants Can Clean The Air In Your House

Have you ever heard of indoor pollution? Did it ever cross your mind that the air in your home can be polluted? Or, you may be aware of indoor pollution but you do not know what to ... Continue Reading →

Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer with Just 3 Ingredients

Do you always wash your hands? How often? Whenever you’re out, how do you keep your hands clean? Cleaning your hand is one of the best ways to stop the spread of germs, virus and ... Continue Reading →

Drinking 2 Diet Coke a Day Increases Your Risk of Deadly Heart Attack or Stroke by 50%

Do you always drink coke? How many cans per day? There are a lot of studies which show that consuming sodas every day, like coke, causes great damage on your dietary intake without ... Continue Reading →

Eating This Legume Will Help You Focus and Have Sharper Memory

Have you ever noticed yourself having difficulty remembering things? Or, do you often lose your focus? If yes, how often? Did you bother yourself finding a remedy for it? They say that ... Continue Reading →

Healthy Weight Awareness – How To Lose Weight In 3 Steps

January is National Healthy Weight Awareness Month. This is also the month when people are making their New Year’s resolution. One of the most common resolution listed by people is ... Continue Reading →

Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Coffee is actually very healthy.It is loaded with antioxidants and beneficial nutrients that can improve your health.The studies show that coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of ... Continue Reading →

These natural remedies will offer you immediate relief from a sore throat

Did you shout out your lungs at previous night’s concert or did you sing out your heart at the nearby karaoke late at night? Whatever be your reason, you must be experiencing a sore ... Continue Reading →

Risk of Having High Cholesterol Level

Everyone must keep an eye on his/her cholesterol level as it can be seriously harmful to the body and may cause serious diseases that can lead to death. There’s no symptoms of ... Continue Reading →

Toxins In Common Foods Can Cause Brain Damage

There are a lot of foods that contain risky and brain-damaging toxins that we usually take. Most of these foods or drinks are most likely to be found in our fridge or kitchen, you might ... Continue Reading →