5 Natural Remedies For Coughs


Learn how to make your own cough syrup. Check out the article we found over at Common Sense Homesteading.

As many people know, over-the-counter cough remedies often contain drugs that can cause drowsiness and other narcotic effects – rendering them unsuitable in some cases. Plus, having some other ideas gives you options if the stores are closed. And also, some people simply prefer something that is more natural.

One of the remedies that caught my eye here was Slippery Elm. This herb is made from of the slippery elm tree (Ulmus rubra). It has been used traditionally since old times. The bark is mucilaginous and has long been used as a demulcent. A demulcent is an agent that forms a soothing film over a mucous membrane, relieving minor pain and inflammation of the membrane. Demulcents are often used in cough remedies. Slippery elm is also used to soothe the digestive system. Slippery elm tea is made from the inner bark or dried and powdered leaves of the tree.

It is written sometimes that slippery elm is endangered – though there doesn’t seem to be total consensus on this and the USDA plants database does not currently make great mention of this fact, nor does Wikipedia. Dutch Elm Disease has wiped out many elm trees in the last few decades. You could seek out a sustainably harvested product. Other herbs that are mucilaginous include mallow and psyllium.

Home Remedy for Coughs #1 – Honey and Cinnamon

Pour some honey in a small container ( I used an 8 ounce mason jar) and mix in some cinnamon to taste.  Take one spoonful as needed to quiet cough.  Both cinnamon and honey are anti-bacterial and anti-viral, and the honey coats and soothes the throat.

Home Remedy for Coughs #2 – Lemon

Lemon helps to loosen and clear phlegm.  You can mix it with your honey, make a lemon gargle (1/4 cup water plus 2 tablespoons lemon), or mix up a cup of warm lemonade (1 cup water, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, sweetener to taste).

Home Remedy for Coughs #3 – Elderberry Syrup

I was so relieved when I discovered how to make elderberry syrup, because it was something that my youngest could take that really helped quiet his cough but didn’t make him throw up.  He’s got a sensitive stomach, and when I tried OTC meds when he was younger (before I knew better), he’d hurl them back up again.

Home Remedy for Coughs #4 – Hot Tea

Whether it’s herbal or regular, the steam and extra liquid provided by hot tea help to loosen congestion, keep you hydrated and soothe irritated tissues.

Home Remedy for Coughs #5 – Slippery  Elm

Slippery elm is good for sore throats and sore bellies.  It was commonly used in colonial America.  Because it is hydrophilic and absorbs a lot of water, it gets a slippery, somewhat gelatinous texture when heated with liquid.  Slippery elm gruel is recommended for diarrhea and sore throats (it bulks up stool and gently coats the throat and digestive tract).  I made up a batch using about 1 cup water and 2 tablespoons powdered slippery elm, and seasoned it with just a sprinkle of salt and a dab of honey.  I thought it was okay, but my eldest found the texture too slimy.

Next article: A Proven Recipe That Eliminates Your Cough In One Day

Read full article: 12 Home Remedies for Coughs

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3 Responses to “5 Natural Remedies For Coughs”

  1. Liz Goncz-Morettin

    Dec 08. 2017

    I gave my daughter elderberry syrop it worked

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  2. Oil Supplements

    Dec 09. 2017


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  3. Oil Supplements

    Dec 29. 2017


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