6 Home Remedies You Absolutely Need To Know About


Often times we go out and buy a product to do a certain job, but most of the time we have probably a better product at home that can do the same thing! Learn 6 awesome home remedies everyone should know about!

Learn what items we have at home that could change our lives. Check out the article we found over at Faith Tap.

There’s no need to make a trip to the pharmacy when help can be found in your kitchen cupboard or bathroom cabinet. These home remedies made from ordinary everyday items really work!

Black Tea For Sunburns

The tannins in black tea are soothing to sore and sunburned skin. All you need to do is brew a few teabags, let it cool, and apply it as a compress to your sin.

Apple Cider Vinegar For Sore Throats

Gargling with apple cider vinegar can help soothe a sore throat. Mix with water and gargle a couple of times an hour for maximum benefit.

Baking Soda For Heartburn

Baking soda is known to neutralize stomach acid and helps with acid reflux disease. Stir a teaspoon of baking soda in water and drink it at the first sign of heartburn.

Honey For Healing Wounds

Honey has properties that naturally speed up the healing of wounds. It was the conventional therapy for healing infections up until the 20th century. Processed honey has been heated at high temperatures which kills the beneficial properties, so only raw honey should be used.

VapoRub For Toenail Fungus

The secret ingredient in Vicks VapoRub that helps fight toenail fungus is thyme. Thymol, the active ingredient in thyme, can inhibit the growth of the bothersome fungus. Just rub it into your feet, and put a sock over it so your foot doesn’t collect carpet fuzz.

Cranberry Juice For Urinary Infections

Cranberries have long been known to heal urinary tract infections naturally. Clinical studies have shown the ordinary cranberry juice found at your grocery store to be effective.

Next Article: The Cancer Causers Found In Your Home

Read full article: Natural Home Remedies That Actually Work

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One Response to “6 Home Remedies You Absolutely Need To Know About”

  1. Good Health

    Mar 22. 2017

    Anything about this is very important

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