Aloe Vera & Coconut Oil Is A Powerful Healing Combination


Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil individually have shown its great health benefits to us. But combining these two can be a powerful healing combination, especially for acne.  Skin issues and especially Acne affects millions and millions of people across the globe and many commercial products are made for this treatment.  Why not use the best of the best products that are natural. Find more details on why you should be using Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil to help any skin issues all on the Next Page.

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35 Responses to “Aloe Vera & Coconut Oil Is A Powerful Healing Combination”

  1. It is impossible to do any better than living healthy,so make it a part of your lifestyle

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  2. Teresa Von Eberstein

    Jan 20. 2016

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  3. Melissa Graham

    Jan 20. 2016

    aloe vera and coconut oil are both some of the greatest substances on the planet. They are both so healthy for you <3 🙂 I use them every day for so many different problems. They both helped me with my gastritis. Once again this is just another reason why I love natural home remedies so much <3 Instead of spending tons of my hard earned money on toxic medications and doctor bills I would much rather use more alternative medicine.I would highly suggest that everybody start using natural remedies, you will never go back. If you want to learn more about natural remedies I would suggest reading this story.

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  4. Liz Quimbar

    Jan 20. 2016

    Is this good for sugar diabetic high blood pressure

    Reply to this comment
  5. Chio Jibaja

    Jan 20. 2016


    Reply to this comment
  6. Carrie Arnold

    Jan 20. 2016

    Heather Bennett

    Reply to this comment
  7. Kamalah Sangiah

    Jan 20. 2016

    Is aloe vera edible?.. Please reply.

    Reply to this comment
    • Olga

      Feb 15. 2016

      Check out the many benefits of Aloe Vera! Yes it is edible and packed with vitamins and minerals.

      Reply to this comment
  8. Emmy Esposito Brooks

    Jan 20. 2016

    Dominique Brooks

    Reply to this comment
  9. Carolyn Stine Hunt

    Jan 20. 2016

    Jeff Barnes

    Reply to this comment
  10. Leeanne Golka

    Jan 21. 2016

    Click bait!

    Reply to this comment
  11. Brian M. Gorsich

    Jan 21. 2016

    I swear by organic coconut oil. Skin rash 1day gone. Ever since after each shower head to toe. Even hair conditioner. Mouth wash.

    Reply to this comment
  12. Ann MacDonald

    Jan 21. 2016

    Aloe water great drink and sooooooooooooo healthy!!!

    Reply to this comment
  13. Krista Mitchell-Howard

    Jan 21. 2016

    Kelsey Rachelle Nipper

    Reply to this comment
  14. Kerry Blalock Morales

    Jan 21. 2016

    Sandra Vanegas Hurtado

    Reply to this comment
  15. Emmy Esposito Brooks

    Feb 15. 2016

    Dominique Brooks

    Reply to this comment
  16. Letty Juarez

    Feb 15. 2016

    Savanna Soto

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  17. Savanna Soto

    Feb 15. 2016

    Didn’t catch it but is this a spot treatment or do you wash off?

    Reply to this comment
  18. Letty Juarez

    Feb 15. 2016

    I think you would leave on… It’s natural

    Reply to this comment
  19. Kausar Saba

    Feb 15. 2016

    Rizwan Ahmed for dandruff also.

    Reply to this comment
  20. Kitty Barder

    Feb 16. 2016

    KarenRegan, mayb a more natural alternative?

    Reply to this comment
  21. Chris Nelson

    Feb 16. 2016

    Jess Shamberger

    Reply to this comment
  22. Jess Shamberger

    Feb 16. 2016

    Looks like not only do I need to invest in coconut oil, I should break down some aloe too!

    Reply to this comment
  23. Cynthia Gough

    May 30. 2016

    Great recipe..thnx a million 🙂

    Reply to this comment
  24. Whittney Gray-Santini

    May 30. 2016

    Chellsea Santini

    Reply to this comment
  25. Whittney Gray-Santini

    May 30. 2016

    Chellsea Santini

    Reply to this comment
  26. Ron Parker

    Jul 27. 2016

    Rebekah Parker

    Reply to this comment
  27. Brittany Stinton

    Reply to this comment
  28. Dora Kennedy

    Aug 09. 2016

    i can use some healing on my skin.thanks for sharing.

    Reply to this comment
  29. Kathi Truster

    Aug 10. 2016

    Do we blend the two together and then apply!

    Reply to this comment
  30. Cathy Morrison

    Aug 10. 2016

    Caitlin Morrison

    Reply to this comment
  31. Maria Fattore

    Aug 10. 2016


    Reply to this comment
  32. Michele White

    Feb 22. 2017

    Anita Nordstrand-White

    Reply to this comment
  33. Michele White

    Feb 22. 2017

    Hey Anita this combination is suppose to be great for eczema and is all natural. I have a friend who gave up dairy and gluten and thier skin cleared up.

    Reply to this comment
  34. Oil Supplements

    Jan 01. 2018


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