Get Rid Of Belly Fat, Bloating And Improve Your Digestion With These 6 Simple Exercises


Food is one thing most people truly enjoy and there is a tendency to try out new and exotic food during holidays.

While this is a fun time to experiment with a variety of dishes at home or at a resort, there is always the danger of eating these new and exciting meals with relish and over eating. When you go for over eating, you’re going to experience bloating.

Here are 6 simple exercises you could learn today to combat bloating when on a holiday

1. The Knees-To-Chest Exercise

  • First lie on your back and extend your arms and legs.
  • Take a deep breath, then gently move your knees upwards towards your chest.
  • Make sure you clasp your hands around your knees.
  • You can try putting your forearms across your shins, then keep hold of yourself on your elbows.
  • Make sure your back and shoulder blades are flat on the floor.
  • Next try and pull your tailbone towards the floor.
  • Keep this posture for about 60 seconds and try breathing really slow during this period.

2. Try The Seated Spinal Twist Work-out

  • Do this exercise either while seated on a mat or on the floor.
  • While seated create a 90° angle having your legs and trunk fully extended.
  •  Twist to the right side of your hips when you slowly bend your right knee then move it upwards.
  • Try using your left elbow to provide leverage on your right knee, then reach out backwards as far as possible.
  • Keep hold of this posture for 30 seconds then slowly release and try it out again on your other side.
  • You can also try this other method where you sit in the floor and cross your legs, then try turning to your right side and reach out backwards as far as possible.
  • You should also keep hold of this posture for 30 seconds then subsequently repeat on your other side.

3. The Chair Pose Exercise

  • First stand up and spread your feet at about a hips width apart.
  • Let your toes face forward.
  • Let your hips go back like in a sitting posture, then stretch out your arms over your head.
  • Make sure your chest is high, then try to pin your shoulders backwards and away from your ears.
  • Keep hold of this posture for 60 seconds while you breath slowly during the period.

4. Try Out The High Lunge Variation Exercise

  • Stand straight up.
  • Keep your feet together and your hands by your side.
  • Then using your right leg take a large step backwards.
  • Try to clasp your hands behind your back as you bend your left knee.
  • In so doing, you will push your hands back opening up your chest in the process.
  • Return to your starting posture by slowly releasing your hands.
  • Repeat this exercise in your other side.

5. The Bridge Pose Work-out

  • When on your back, make sure your knees are bent and the bottom of your feet is placed on the floor and they are about a hips width apart from each other.
  • Lift your hips upwards, make sure you’re clasping your hands and they are positioned under your body and firmly pressing on the floor.
  • This way you will open up your hips.
  • Keep hold of this posture for 60 seconds and breath deeply as you do.

6.Try The Legs Up The Wall Exercise

  • Get your buttocks up against a wall while you lie flat on your back.
  • Let your legs be extended up against the wall, whilst your hands and palms are on the floor.
  • Keep hold of this posture for about 60 seconds and breath slowly but deeply as you do.

​So now you don’t have to worry about bloating when you go away on holiday and overeat, not when you can try these exercises and to great effect.

Source: Healthy Holistic Living

Next Article: 6 Fat Burning Ways To Flatten Your Belly

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