If This Organ Ruptures, It Can Be Life Threatening!


Did you know that if your appendix gets inflamed, infected and left untreated, it can rupture? Yes, it can rupture and can be life threatening. Though not all case of appendicitis lead to organ bursting, the longer the conditions is left unchecked, the greater the risk will be.

So, what are the warning signs that your appendix is not in good condition and about to burst? Below is an excerpt of an article that shares some warning signs for you to be aware:

Your stomach hurts more than it ever has before.

Appendicitis usually causes severe pain that extends from the belly button to the lower right side of the abdomen.

You’re nauseous, vomiting, and have no appetite.
You might just be battling a stomach bug, and not everyone with appendicitis will have these symptoms. But if you’re feeling really queasy in addition to having bad pain, get checked out.

You’re running to the bathroom a lot more than usual.
In some people, the appendix is positioned lower in the pelvis, so it’s pretty close to the bladder. And when the bladder comes into contact with an inflamed appendix, the bladder also becomes inflamed and irritated.

You’re shivering and running a fever.
A fever and chills means there’s inflammation somewhere in your body. If your appendix is inflamed, “the body responds by releasing several chemicals to ring the alarm and bring fighter cells to the area, which can manifest as localized pain as well as whole-body symptoms like fever and chills.


Next Article:  Appendicitis Warning Signs – Your Appendix Might Burst, Watch Out!

Read Full Article: 5 Warning Signs Your Appendix Might Burst


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