Natural Treatment For Your Wounds!


Wounds take time to heal completely. It also leaves a permanent mark on your skin. Using commercial treatment may or may not help the wound heal. There are many ways you can treat your wound properly so that it will not be infected.

Below is an excerpt of an article that shares healthy natural treatment you can try at home for your wounds:


Honey is a great way to speed up wound healing. According to some findings, honey is actually more effective than antibiotics! In lab tests, honey has been found to kill off the majority of bacterial cells and can prevent infections from occurring in the first place. Make sure you use raw honey to dress your wound (honey that is cooked will not have the proper enzymes to do the trick).

When honey gets diluted with the blood and tissues of the wound, hydrogen peroxide is produced via a glucose oxidase enzyme reaction. This is released slowly, and provides antibacterial activity, while keeping tissue healthy and un-damaged! Spread some honey on a dressing and apply this to the wound. If the wound is deeper, the wound bed should be filled with honey, then wrapped with a dressing pad.


Allicin in garlic has been shown to be as effective as a 1% penicillin solution! It is a great anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal and can help heal almost any wound. Garlic can cause damage to the skin, however, so making sure you don’t leave it on the skin for longer than 20-25 minutes. You can make a mix of 3 crushed garlic cloves and 1 cup of wine, blended, let stand for 2-3 hours and strain. Apply to the wound with a clean cloth 1-2 times a day.


This beautiful little flower is considered a vulnerary agent (a substance that promotes healing). This plant is an anti-inflammatory too, and is slightly anti-microbial. It can be used topically to help heal abrasions, skin infections and internal infected mucous membranes. You can buy calendula salves at health food stores, and you can use this to apply to your wounds. For internal infections, make a calendula tea with 1 cup warm water and 1 tbsp. calendula flowers.


Another flower with great wound healing properties – chamomile! Also known for it’s awesome relaxation properties, chamomile is one of the most ancient medicinal herbs known to mankind! The dried flowers contain many terpenoids and flavonoids, making it a powerful herbal medicine. Chamomile has even been found in some studies to be much faster at healing wounds than some corticosteroids. Make a chamomile press for your wound by soaking some chamomile tea bags in water, lightly draining some of the liquid, and then wrapping these tea bags around your wound with some gauze. Alternatively, you can likely find chamomile tinctures or natural ointments in your local health food store.

Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root is not the same as the sugary white cylinders you can find in the candy section at your grocery store – this plant is actually incredibly healing to wounds inflicted on the body. Marshmallow is great for drawing out toxins and other bacteria found in wounds when used as a poultice, and it can shorten the healing time by drawing out impurities. It can also be used to heal burns and bruises! Creating a poultice with marshmallow and applying it to your wound can speed wound healing!


Next Article : Natural Ways to Treat Wounds

Read Full Article : 15 Natural Home Remedies For Wounds

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