Simple Tips for Healthy Snack Preparation


Did you know that the way we store food and how we buy it can have a big impact on our choice of healthy snacks? To help you prepare and give you idea of healthy snacks, we have listed the following suggestions you can choose from:

Healthy Snack Preparation Ideas:

  • It is best to combine food from 2 different food groups. A protein-rich food is a good choice to include in your snack because it promotes satiety and keeps you satisfied longer between meals. Include milk, nuts, hard-boiled egg or peanut butter with a food from another food group like apple, whole grain crackers or celery. They are convenient, affordable and protein-rich food combination.
  • In preparing your snacks or keeping them for later snack time, use smaller containers, utensils and plates for food you wish to limit. Once you get home from the groceries, immediately proportion them into serving size to avoid eating them in a big container. This way, you won’t have the chance to increase consumption.
  • Don’t just choose what you want for snacks. Always consider what your body needs. Aim to choose what’s healthy, convenient, affordable and can be easily mix and match to get the nutrients you need.
  • Never go shopping for food when you’re hungry. Select the food wisely. Make sure you have a list to guide you on your shopping. That way, you won’t miss anything and will have a healthy choice of food.


Next Article:  5 Healthy Party Snack Ideas For Your Next Gathering!

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