Simple Ways To get Rid Of Rashes


Rashes can occur all over the body. Some of the characteristics of rashes are ring shaped, blisters, scaly or flaky skin patch, or thick leathery skin patch. There many types of rashes here are some; diaper rashes, eczema, chicken pox, measles, heat rashes, and stress rashes. On the other hand try these natural remedies to treat your rashes.

Below is an excerpt of an article that shares the natural remedies you can try at home for your rashes.

Olive oil

Olive oil helps in healing and promotes skin renewal given it is packed with vitamin E and antioxidants. It also soothes the skin and reduces itching.

Rub extra-virgin olive oil or a combination of olive oil and honey on your rash a few times daily until it heals.

Also add a pinch of turmeric powder to olive oil and apply it two or three times a day for a few days. Turmeric is rich in antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which soothes rashes and relieves itching.

Apart from olive oil, castor oil and coconut oil also help heal rashes naturally. A combination of vitamin E oil and cod liver oil is also helpful

Baking soda

Baking soda is useful in drying skin rashes as also in relieving itching and inflammation.

Add one part baking soda to three parts water and apply on the affected area every day.

Equally effective is a mixture of baking soda with some coconut oil for treating skin rashes.

Do not leave baking soda on the skin for too long as it may cause further irritation.


When it comes to alleviating skin irritation and inflammation oatmeal serves as an effective option given its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. It is particularly helpful in treating rashes triggered by poison ivy, eczema, chicken pox, sunburn and allergies.

Mix a cup of finely ground oatmeal in warm bath water and soak in it for at least 15 or 20 minutes.

To treat rashes on the face, apply a mixture of equal amounts of oatmeal and plain yogurt mixed with a little honey.

Aloe Vera

Thanks to its antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and emollient properties, aloe vera is excellent for treating a number of skin ailments including rashes as also soothing the skin.

If fresh aloe vera gel, which is ideal for the purpose is not available, you can buy aloe vera gel or extract.

Cold Compress

A cold compress can be beneficial in reducing rashes, especially those caused by heat, insect bites, poison ivy and shingles. It helps ease swelling, inflammation and itching and is particularly useful if a rash begins to develop into blisters.

Rub ice cubes in a sealed plastic bag or an ice pack over the affected area for a few minutes. Alternatively, you can simply soak a clean washcloth in ice-cold water and place it on the rash for about 10 minutes.


Next Article : You Would Not Believe This Plant Can Treat Rashes

Read Full Article : How to Get Rid of a Rash: 6 Natural Rash Home Remedies

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