Skin White Glow That You Can Achieve


Market now is flooded with skin whitening that some can cause many harmful side effects. It is important to understand taking care of your skin and protecting it can a avoid you from having a more serious infection or diseases. Try these natural remedies for your skin.

Below is an excerpt of an article that shares the natural remedies you can try at home for skin whitening.

Dried orange peels + yogurt

You can dry the orange peels by placing them under the hot sun until the peels turn dry and crisp. Later, grind the dried peels into powder. Mix a tablespoon of this with a tablespoon of fresh yogurt to make a paste. Then apply this paste over cleansed face and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Repeat this at least thrice in a week for best results.

Tomato + yogurt + oatmeal

This is a potent yet gentle remedy that suits all skin types. All you have to do is to mix a tablespoon of oatmeal with a tablespoon of tomato juice and yogurt each. Mix well until you get a thick paste. Apply this on your face just like you would with your regular face mask and leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water. You may follow up with a mild skin moisturizer afterwards.

 Milk + lemon juice + honey

Milk, lemon and honey, make a magical potion that lightens your skin better than most expensive cosmetic products. Make sure to use fresh lemon juice for this remedy. Mix a tablespoon of milk and lemon juice each in a bowl. Then, add in a teaspoon of honey. Honey acts as moisturizing agent that balances out the drying property of lemon. Mix these ingredients well and apply over cleansed face. Leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing off.


Not only is yogurt yummy, but it is also great for the digestive system. But that’s not all. It also does a lot of favors to your skin too. Thanks to the lactic acid present in this probiotic, when applied on the skin, yogurt naturally bleaches and moisturizes it. Simply spread some fresh yogurt onto your face and let it sit for 20 minutes. Rinse off as usual. As an alternative, you can also try mixing yogurt with a tablespoon of honey or lemon for best results.


There is no better natural bleaching agent than lemon! Cut out a small part of lemon and rub it on your face in a circular motion. Allow the juice to stay on your face for at least 30 minutes. Later, you may wash off using lukewarm water. Do this daily for best results. But you must also bear in mind that lemons can dry out the skin. For a natural alternative, you may apply some honey onto your face after trying out this remedy to lock in some moisture. You may also use your regular face moisturizer.

Next Article : This Water Helps in Maintaining a Smooth & Glowing Skin
Read Full Article : Best Skin Whitening Home Remedies (Natural Skin Lightening Remedies)

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