These Vegetables Provide More Iron Than Meat


People don’t often know when they are low in iron until they have the signs and symptoms which include :

  • they are pale
  • fast heartbeat
  • hair loss
  • brittle and spoon shaped nails

Below is an excerpt of an article that shares which vegetables can provide more iron than what meat can:

The meaty vegetables that contain more iron than beef.

This vegetable is crammed full of iron, and historically has been the vegetable associated with strong bones and muscles. It is rich in iron, vitamin A, and antioxidants and the iron content actually increases when you cook it.

Lentils are a great way to bulk up a meal and they are packed full of good stuff. The give 3.3mg of iron per 100g and many other nutrients plus tons of fiber.

Every 1% of a portion of broccoli id made of iron, plus one serving gives you 168% of your vitamin C RDA.

Kale provides 1.5mg of iron per 100g, and it is also full of vitamin A (512% of your RDA) and vitamin C (200% of your RDA).


Try adding these vegetables on your meal or diet. They will help you have the proper iron your body needs. You won’t feel exhausted or fatigue anymore. Eat proper and stay healthy!


Next Article: Top 5 Signs Your Body Has An Is Iron Deficiency

Read Full Article: These 14 Vegetables Contain More Iron Than Meat

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