This Is Why You Should Start Your Day With Lemon Water


Lemon Water isn’t just healthy and beneficial  to our body but also tastes good. Here are some reason why you should start with a glass of Lemon water. Check out the article we found at News Health.

Drinking lemon water on a regular basis has many benefits.  A few of them are:

  • Helps Digestion
  • A Natural Flush or Detox For The Body
  • A Little Immune System Boost
  • Healthier, Glowing Skin
  • Healthy Weight

Ready to try? The amount of lemon depends on how much you can tolerate, Myers says. She recommends starting with the juice of ¼ to ½ of a lemon, and filling the rest of the glass with warm water.

Do warm water first thing in the morning, she adds. “We absorb water more efficiently at that temperature.” Then, during the rest of the day, feel free to sip lemon water at a cooler temperature, if you prefer it. This will keep you hydrated, and it may also help quench your thirst for calorie-laden soda or other sugar-sweetened beverages.

There is one potential downside to lemon water. “The acid in the lemon can break down your tooth enamel. Once you break down the enamel, bacteria can get in, and then you’ve opened yourself up to tooth decay and cavities,” Dr. Joanne Caplin, a New York-based dentist, tells Health. “But it’s easy to remedy,” she adds. After you’ve downed your lemon water, “rinse with another glass of water. Swish it around in your mouth and spit it out. This will get rid of the acid that’s sitting on the teeth.”

Next Article: 31 Ways To Use Lemons & Lemon Peels In Your Home

Read Full Article: Why You Should Start Your Day With Lemon water

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2 Responses to “This Is Why You Should Start Your Day With Lemon Water”

  1. Mary Frances Beyer

    May 09. 2016

    I drink it every morning.

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  2. Alles Paletti

    May 12. 2016


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