This Tennis Ball Trick Can Relieve Any Body Pain

Body Pain

Body pain can be caused by different factors. Using a natural body pain reliever can give you different benefits. Using a common thing in your house can be used in some method. Check out the article we found at Healthy Holistic Living.

Strained Neck

The suboccipital and erector muscles need relief after a long day at the office. When you aren’t moving these muscles a lot during the day, it can cause them to tighten up. This exercise stretches out these muscles while soothing your neck before bed.

  1. Lie face-up on the floor, with two tennis balls under the base of your skull.
  2. Nod your head up and down, allowing the balls to nestle into the back of your neck.
  3. After one minute, change direction by pivoting your head from side to side
  4. Pivot your head to one side, and then nod while in the same position, repeat on the opposite side and nod in a different direction, altering for two minutes.

Uncomfortable Shoulders

The next exercise will stretch out the rotator cuff muscles, which are groups of tendons that stabilize the shoulder. If you have poor posture or engage in repetitive motion such as shoveling snow or lifting heavy objects, this will relieve tenderness in the shoulders.

  1. Simply place one tennis ball behind the shoulder blade while lying face up on the floor.
  2. There is no specific movement to this exercise; experiment with what relieves tenderness by rolling over the ball with your shoulder.

Tight Chest

A compressed chest can be a result of common daily activities, from holding your phone, to cooking, to just sitting down for long periods of time. The results can be very uncomfortable, resulting in problems breathing and nervous system problems. Decompress your chest with these three steps:

  1. Find a door or wall corner, and place a tennis ball below your clavicle. For one minute, breath deeply into the pressure of the ball.
  2. Shift from side to side, and up and down, allowing the ball to move along the upper chest.
  3. Move your arm and neck after doing this for a minute, to incorporate other muscular mobility and continue on both sides for another minute.

Sore Back

Your back pain could be caused by the way you sit, the shoes you wear, or the position you sleep in.  Regardless of the cause, tennis balls can release tension if you follow these steps.

  1. Lie on your back over two balls between your ribs and your tailbone.
  2. Shift your pelvis from side to side, allowing the balls to cross over your lower back
  3. Slow down movement in stiffer areas of your back, and lighten pressure near the spine
  4. Do this for up to five minutes while breathing deeply

Aching Hands

Whether you’re a student or just an avid note-taker, writing for long periods of time can cause a great deal of tension in the flexor muscles of your fingers and palms.

  1. On a table, place your hand on top of the tennis ball, while placing the other hand on top of that for added pressure.
  2. Press the ball while holding it steady for one minute, leaning your entire body weight into the ball.
  3. After a minute, move the ball vertically and horizontally, so it stretches out in all directions of your palm. Continue this for three minutes, and then repeat this steps with the other hand.

Next Article: Cannabis Capsule – So Powerful, It Might Soon Replace All Pain Killers

Read Full Article: The tennis ball trick that can relieve back, neck or knee pain in seconds

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3 Responses to “This Tennis Ball Trick Can Relieve Any Body Pain”

  1. TCM Healing Secrets

    Apr 29. 2017

    More posts on this health news ok? like = agree

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  2. Awesome<3

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  3. Interesting post really great

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