Vitamin C To Cure Not Only Colds But 30 More Diseases


Vitamin C is known to cure the flu and colds, but there’s much more to this. People nowadays, are not aware of the true benefit of vitamin C in a person’s body. Many more diseases can be cured with vitamin C than people are not aware of.  Taking a good vitamin C supplement as well as eating lots of food containing Vitamin C will ensure you have lots of Vitamin C to help keep your immune strong. With the right dose of this vitamin, you can treat diseases that you think only antibiotics can.  Believe it or not, in the 1940’s, Dr. Klenner used vitamin C to cure 60 out of 60 cases of polio and that was back in the days when the polio vaccine didn’t even exist.  This was largely ignored in the medical space.  Learn How Vitamin C Helps To Cure 30 More Diseases on the Next Page.

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2 Responses to “Vitamin C To Cure Not Only Colds But 30 More Diseases”

  1. Monica Griffin

    Dec 21. 2016

    vitamin c is an absolute godsend <3 :) Yet another reason to love natural medicine. I am incredibly sick of these toxic medications.Doctors only care about making money and selling toxic prescription drugs. Ever since I started using natural remedies my life has changed forever. I would highly suggest that everybody start using them as well. If you want to learn a little bit more about using natural medicine. I suggest reading this story.

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  2. kate

    Feb 15. 2017

    So happy to have found this site! ateI too can not say enough about vitamin C. The high doses are where its at! My personal favorite product is Sufficient-C. This is a lemonade peachy drink mix that is outstanding. While it is pleasantly sweet it is made without sugar making it very suitable for even diabetics. It has a lot of virus and bacteria protection given you can get up to 4,000 mg. Vitamin C plus a whole lot of other known immune boosters. I buy the big size, but they offer a smaller one for those that want to try it out or travel with it.

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