Why Use Lime Instead Of Your Ordinary Deodorant?


Read on why you should replace your ordinary deodorant with lime. Check out the article we found over at Organic Health.

Sweat much? Truthfully, all of us do. However, did you know that your deodorant could be causing cancer.

Daily tasks in physical work often leave us sweaty… And it should, as sweating is a natural way which the body protects itself from excessive heat or overheating passed a normal, healthy degree. Sweat glands in the body begin working when you take part in physical work such as going to the gym, exercising, lawn care, or simply carrying in the groceries upstairs to an apartment building. Even though it may leave frequent stains on your clothes, it’s actually healthy and cools your body.

Sweat glands are found all throughout your body. However, the most active glands are located around the armpit region. Did you know that when we sweat we’re actually releasing fatty acids and proteins that are what causes the excessive staining on clothes? Because of this sweating, many people use deodorant or antiperspirant products. Often commercials on television make it seem as if the goal is to stop sweating. However, as we stated before sweating is good. It is natural and it is essential to life.

Recent studies have found that some chemicals in our body contain antibiotics which is good for us and can kill harmful germs on our skin. Sadly, many product companies use aluminum and other harmful chemicals in their deodorants…Studies have shown that some of these chemicals may be resulting in breast cancer. We suggest a more natural approach such as… limes!

Simply cut a lime in half and wipe gently under your armpits. Using a lime may come as a surprise to you. However, natural is always best, and this practice has been used for many years in primitive and folk medicine
What makes a lime so special you ask? Well, the acidity is the main factor in combating armpits sweat. The acidity in the lime target the main foul-smelling chemical and depletes it. So instead of buying antiperspirant and aluminum-containing deodorant that has been linked to various cancers try using a more natural approach such as limes. Not only is this way more organic but will save you cash as well!

Read full article: Organic Health

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11 Responses to “Why Use Lime Instead Of Your Ordinary Deodorant?”

  1. Janice Scheffer

    May 06. 2015

    yes I use limes

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  2. Erica Ley Snyder

    Sep 14. 2015

    Awesome!! Thank you for posting!!

    Reply to this comment
  3. Audrey Vercillo

    Sep 14. 2015

    Just wondering where does your perspiration go when you use anti-perspirant.Could it be into your milk ducts or possibly into the breast by some strange way. I don’t know the answer to that but I do know I only use deodorant. Not the anti.anything.

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  4. Mary Lu

    Nov 20. 2015

    Denise Garcia

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  5. Sheila Turner

    Jun 09. 2017

    So, what, you rub it on, put it in a baggie and then accidentally ingest it later?? Woohoo.. sounds fun

    Reply to this comment
  6. Kim Baker

    Jun 09. 2017

    Not I, but I would use it under my arms again.

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  7. Marcia Lennox-Durnall

    Jun 09. 2017

    Elizabeth Harrison

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  8. Mary O'Neill

    Jun 09. 2017

    Isn’t it just the antiperspirants that contain aluminum?

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  9. Terrie Ward

    Jul 02. 2017

    I loved this info. Facebook would not let me like or love. Hmmmm

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  10. Gercides Pion Manzano

    Jul 03. 2017

    I recently made a paste of fully squeezed Lime/Lemon, non GMO Corn Starch and Organic Coconut Oil. Works amazing.
    Have applied 5am and no odor or perspiration all the way until 11pm.

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  11. Oil Supplements

    Dec 01. 2017

    My goodness 🙂

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