You’re Drinking Your Lemon Water The Wrong Way!


Many people drink lemon water first thing in the morning. But, a lot of people also can’t stand the sour taste it has. Others tend to just squeeze out the juice and throw away the peel which is the biggest mistake! yes, throwing the peel is like throwing the may health benefits you can get from lemon.

One common mistake that most people make when they’re enjoying a glass of lemon water – they throw out the lemon peel (which is a bad thing). Why – well, because the lemon peel is one of the most nutritious parts of the whole fruit. Let me guess – your normal routine would probably be: slicing the lemon, squeezing the juice into a bottle and adding some hot or ice water. But, let me tell you something – this is actually the wrong way to do it. And, now your probably ask yourself – what’s the right way? Well, don’t worry, because we have the answer for you. Here’s the right way to make lemon water!


  • First, you need to get two fresh organic lemons.
  • After that, you need to cut them in thin or thick slices according to preference.
  • Squeeze some of the sliced lemons into the water.
  • And now, you need to grate the peel of the squeezed lemon pieces into the water.
  • You can put the rest of the slices in your blender bottle, mug, or travel cup.
  • Fill up the container with either boiling hot, or ice cold water.


Next Article: Combine Lemon and Baking Soda For Amazing Cancer Killing Properties

Read Full Article: Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning – The Mistake Millions of People Make


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