5 Ways To Get Rid Of Gas And Bloating Naturally


Learn how to get rid of gas and bloating naturally. Check out the article we found over at Everyday Roots.

Let’s be straightforward. This is a page about gas, so, that’s what it’s going to sound like it’s about. No dancing around the subject matter, no putting things tentatively, no shame, no giggling…ok a little giggling is fine. Call it whatever, gas, toots, breaking wind, farting, flatulence, air attack, the nether belch-we’re all referring to the same uncomfortable situation that crops up at the worst time-during a test in a silent room, or in a crowded elevator. Usually harmless, intestinal gas can be uncomfortable in more ways than one, and is a symptom rather than an illness itself. Because there are so many possible causes there are many ways to treat it, and you can usually find relief with simple natural remedies.

1. Drink some peppermint tea

Peppermint is great for soothing churning stomachs and easing gas pains. Its essential oil contains menthol, which has an antispasmodic effect of the smooth muscle of the digestive track. It also soothes nerves, and therefore can soothe stomachs that really feel the effect of nervousness and stress. Drink a cup after dinner to help keep things moving slowly.

You will need…
-1 bag of herbal peppermint tea
-1 cup or so of freshly boiled water

Steeping tea seems like something that’s simple enough, but there’s a proper way to go about it. We often times let the tea bag sit in the water for several minutes, then pull the bag and drink the liquid. This doesn’t allow all the goodness of the tea to infuse thoroughly, and we’re shorting ourselves a good chunk of the benefits. After you boil your water, pour it over the tea bag in a mug, and then cover the mug (a plate works fine.) Let it sit for a full 10-15 minutes. Remove the cover and take out the tea bag, squeezing it to get out every last bit of the healing mixture. If it’s too hot to grab, press it against the side of the mug with a spoon. Sip, relax, and enjoy.

2. Let ‘em loose

My first day in 9th grade I was terribly bloated for some reason. The whole day I held it all in, despite my stomach bubbling angrily. When I got off the bus at the end of the day to walk home I am pretty sure I made it back in half my usual time, powered by a self-made jet pack. The moral of the story: if you have gas, try not to hold it in. This isn’t always possible of course, but if you could nab a moment to yourself or run to the bathroom you’ll do yourself a favor. The air has to come out some way, and it’s only going to build up and get worse if you hold it in.

3. Ginger is a tummy tamer

Whether you’re nauseas, struggling with the stomach flu, or suffering from indigestion, chances are you’ve been given ginger in some form to help calm your upset tummy. It is capable of performing its wonders because of several different chemical components it possesses. Two chemicals-gingerols and shgaols- relax the intestinal track and ease any inflammation, while the root in its entirety act as a carminative-that is it prevents the formation of excess gas, or helps expel it.

You will need…
– 1 fresh ginger-root
-A grater (optional)
-1 cup of boiling water, if making tea
Lemon and honey (optional)

There are several ways to make ginger-root tea but for gas, we liked this one. Get a medium sized piece of raw ginger-root that looks nice and fresh. Scrub it clean, much like a potato, under warm water. Slice 4-6 thin quarter sized pieces and place them in a large mug. Add a touch of honey or lemon if you like, and then pour very hot water over the slices. Don’t let it boil-turn off the kettle just before or immediately afterwards. Cover and steep for 10 minutes before enjoying. Drink a cup before or after a meal to help with digestion.

Another way to reap the benefits of ginger is to eat a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger before meals, or nibble a root throughout the day.

4. Crunch on caraway

For centuries caraway has been used to give trapped gas in the digestive track a little shove out the back door. In England from the Middle Ages onward, it has been reported to help gas “caused by wind trapped in the body.” Of course air is only part of it but, if you find yourself puffing up from too much trapped gas, munching on a small handful of caraway seeds straight, or caraway crackers if the taste is too strong, might help.

You will need…
-a pinch of caraway seeds OR several caraway crackers

When you feel bloated and you’re unable to pass gas, eat a pinch of caraway seeds or a few caraway crackers. If you suffer from regular bloating due to gas, try eating a pinch every morning until you feel you no longer need to.

5. Drink chamomile tea

If peppermint doesn’t suit your fancy, or doesn’t seem to work for you, chamomile is a good route to go. In Germany, a place where herbal treatments are used more frequently than in the west, they call chamomile alles zutraut which translates to “capable of anything,” because it is so useful. Antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and just plain relaxing, chamomile can help with gas due to indigestion as well as heartburn, whereas peppermint is better for gas caused solely by indigestion.

You will need…
-1 bag of chamomile tea
-1 cup or so of freshly boiled water
-honey or lemon juice (optional)

Boil approximately 1 cup of water and pour over tea bag. Cover the mug, and let the tea steep for a full 10-15 minutes. Squeeze the bag to get out all the last bits of goodness, and add a bit of honey and lemon if you like. Avoid milk, which tends to trigger gas.

Next Article: Gastritis Relief – Effective All Natural Drinks (Recipes Included)

Read full article: 12 Ways to Get Rid of Gas & Bloating

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