A Proven Recipe That Eliminates Your Cough In One Day


Coughing is the body’s way of expelling an irritant in the throat and airways, and can be caused by many factors. Check out the article we found over at Buy Non-GMO Seeds on a recipe that eliminate your cough on one day.

After a while coughing can get annoying, while it is a perfectly normal occurrence it should be treated if it persists for more than a week.

Onions are recommended for respiratory conditions, including cough and colds. When they are taken raw, it can be a good expectorant. Their flavonoids and sulfur compounds make onions beneficial for the heart, cholesterol levels, diabetes, arthritis, and generally as an antioxidant.


  • 1 lb Onions
  • 3 Liters water
  • Raw Honey
  • Lemon Juice


Remove the skin and moustache of the onions, and cut them into four pieces, place them in a pot with the water and allow them to come to a boil. Boil the water down by half, allow it to cool and strain.

Drink one and a half cups twice daily sweetened with honey and lemon juice if desired.

Next Article: 5 Natural Remedies For Babies That Are Suffering From Colds Or Coughs

Read full article: How To Eliminate Your Cough In One Day

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23 Responses to “A Proven Recipe That Eliminates Your Cough In One Day”

  1. Erica Gasser

    Oct 06. 2015

    Dawn Pitts 🙂

    Reply to this comment
  2. Lori Daviau Eden

    Oct 08. 2015

    I am readt to try it!

    Reply to this comment
  3. Angie Ancira

    Nov 18. 2015

    Kathy Ancira

    Reply to this comment
  4. Lisa Medlin

    Dec 21. 2015

    Tabitha Bailey

    Reply to this comment
  5. Robert Enns

    Feb 20. 2016

    Hey Danielle Wentzell. Lol

    Reply to this comment
  6. Bernice Sheehan

    Feb 21. 2016

    Will any onion do the same or does it have to be a red onion ?

    Reply to this comment
  7. Julie Brownrigg

    Mar 23. 2016

    Three litres of water?! Is that for real, or a typo?

    Reply to this comment
  8. Isabelle Harmon-Reali

    Mar 23. 2016

    My mother used to make this when I was a child. She was a nurse. It works

    Reply to this comment
  9. Bethany Jewell

    Mar 23. 2016

    Ronda Redeemed

    Reply to this comment
  10. Mary-Anne Vella

    Mar 24. 2016

    Rachael Shepherd

    Reply to this comment
  11. Lorina Aqila

    May 20. 2016

    I usually made mix of fresh cut ginger, honey, lemon grass, citrus fruit juice. Sometimes add a bit of fresh cut turmeric.

    Reply to this comment
  12. Sonja Ledgard

    May 21. 2016

    Lucretia Sperring

    Reply to this comment
  13. TCM Healing Secrets

    Dec 04. 2016

    IMO stuff about this health news are fantastic

    Reply to this comment
  14. Natural Healing Zone

    Dec 05. 2016

    Totally Agreed

    Reply to this comment
  15. Natural Healing Zone

    Dec 05. 2016

    posts like this are why I love this page

    Reply to this comment
  16. Stacey Iannello

    Dec 05. 2016

    Brad Burzynski

    Reply to this comment
  17. Brad Burzynski

    Dec 05. 2016

    Ginny Ryan Burzynski should try this, she has a bad cough

    Reply to this comment
  18. Ginny Ryan Burzynski

    Dec 05. 2016

    Right now I’m willing to try anything going to get an onion now!!!

    Reply to this comment
  19. Amy Glaze

    Jun 13. 2017

    Marianna Mercado

    Reply to this comment
  20. Liu Jiao

    Jun 14. 2017

    More Effective Than Cough Syrup: How to Use Pineapple Juice to Relieve Coughs: http://seekingfit.com/how-to-use-pineapple-juice-to-relieve-coughs/

    Reply to this comment
  21. Julia Roberts

    Jun 14. 2017

    Kathleen Roberts Kenneth Roberts

    Reply to this comment
  22. Mother Nature Approved

    Jul 06. 2017

    who else really gets natural products

    Reply to this comment
  23. Oil Supplements

    Nov 29. 2017


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