Budwig diet involves flaxseed and cottage cheese that can help stop cancer cells to grow. Check out the article we found at Real Farmacy.
As a biochemist and physicist in the early 1950`s, Johanna was a senior scientist in the German Federal Health Office, comparable to the American FDA but with less bureaucratic corruption. Her task was to help determine what might be appropriate for cancer curing medication from German pharmaceutical companies.
One pharmaceutical company forwarded applications to her for a sulfhydryl group, which are proteins (amino acids) that contain sulfur. That company was considering applying the sulfhydryl group toward cancer medication. The data obtained from that company enabled Budwig to get an overview of the problems involved with oxygenating cancer cells through dietary means. Cancer cells cannot thrive in oxygen.
This was an area that the 1931 Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg had hoped to resolve. He was the one who discovered that cancer cells thrive in an anaerobic environment, but could not survive in an oxygen rich environment. He was looking for a respiratory enzyme that would help oxygenate cancer cells.
Around the middle of the 20th century, Johanna Budwig found a way to categorize the different properties of fatty acids.
As a result of her discovery, she was funded to continue her research determining the different properties of fatty acids. She examined the molecular properties of many fats, and divided them into saturated or unsaturated, isolating linoleic acid or lauric acid, and determined whether they inhibited or enhanced cellular oxygen absorption.
To be more specific, the majority of what we know about fatty acids today is due to the work of Dr.Budwig and her research discoveries.
By 1952, she explained the results of her research in a paper, claiming:
“Without these fatty acids, the respiratory enzymes cannot function and the person suffocates, even when he is given oxygen-rich air. A deficiency in these highly unsaturated fatty-acids impairs many vital functions. First of all, it decreases the person’s supply of available oxygen. We cannot survive without air and food; nor can we survive without these fatty acids.”
Warburg was aware that fats had something to do with inhibiting or enhancing cellular oxygen absorption, but during his time fats were not classified with their biochemical structures and functions. It was around 1951 that Johanna Budwig discovered methods for determining the different properties of fatty acids.
Watch a video below on how to use the Budwig diet.
Next Article: The Alkaline Diet Everyone Must Have, Especially Someone With A Disease!
Read Full Article: The Whole Truth About The Budwig Diet
Mark Nazar
Oct 17. 2016
Martha Nazar
TCM Healing Secrets
Oct 17. 2016
Yeah Agreed
TCM Healing Secrets
Oct 17. 2016
I always love everything about this health news
Almon J. Mayze
Oct 17. 2016
Shirley A Mayze
Jacquin Dole
Oct 17. 2016
it tastes good, too
RaeAnn Marie
Nov 18. 2016
April Adams
Dec 10. 2016
Tina Palmer this might be worth looking into
Lisa Gonzalez
Dec 10. 2016
This does work. I had a dog with a fast growing cancer and this along with some other natural supplements reversed the cancer. The fast growing tumours shrunk right down to nothing.
Tina Palmer
Dec 10. 2016
Will read up on it & poss try. 🙂 ty