Do Not Microwave Your Food: It Destroys Nutrients, Exposes to Carcinogens & Harmful Radiation!


Microwaving Destroys Nutrients in Your Food

Most of the studies focused on microwaves and their impact on nutrition were performed before 2000. The reason is probably that after 2000 radiation research was focused almost entirely on the environmental radiation released by electromagnetic devices like computers and cell phones. The radiation from these devices has mushroomed out to become a massive electrosmog cloud all across the world in the last 10 years.

Here is some valuable scientific data associated with the detrimental effects microwaving has on the nutrients present in our foods:

1. Broccoli

According to a study published in The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (November 2003), ‘zapping’ broccoli in microwave with little water caused it to lose a staggering 97% of all its beneficial antioxidants. Comparatively, steamed broccoli was found to lose not more than 11% of its valuable antioxidants. Microwaved broccoli was also found to suffer reductions in its glucosinolates and phenolic compounds. However, mineral levels were not altered.

2. Asparagus Spears

According to a Scandinavian study (1999) based on cooking asparagus spears, the scientists came to the conclusion that microwaved asparagus spears had significant reduction in their vitamin C content.

3. Garlic

According to another study focused on garlic, microwave heating for just 60 seconds led to allinase becoming inactive. This is the primary active ingredient present in garlic that helps fight cancer.

4. Milk

According to Japanese study (conducted by Watanabe), microwaving milk for just 6 minutes resulted in turning 30 to 40% of its B12 inert or dead. Dr. Andrew Weil cited this study as evidence to support his own standing against microwaving and its effects. He says that microwaving food can be dangerous. There are also concerns that microwaving can alter the protein chemistry of foods in harmful ways.

5. Proteins

According an Australian study (2008), microwaving can result in high levels of “protein unfolding” compared to traditional heating methods.

6. Breast Milk

According to a 1992 study by Quan, breast milk was found to lose its lysozyme activity when microwaved. It also lost its antibodies. This led to the growth of potentially pathogenic bacteria. So you shouldn’t microwave breast milk because it can kill the essential disease-fighting agents required for protecting the baby.

When you microwave foods, it not only results in losing nutrients, it also causes formation of new compounds (known as radiolytic compounds), which are not known in nature and humans. Scientists have also not been able to establish how these compounds work in the human body.

These compounds can be too complex to sort out because there are already other unknown compounds that enter our body from different sources like genetically modified foods and “fake food” products (such as olestra).

Dr. Hans Hertel is expected to provide the most important and solid evidence related to the hazards of microwaves. He is a Swiss food scientist, who is known for his high quality study (although small) on the impact of microwaved food on our body.

Dr. Hans came up with alarming conclusions. He found that microwave cooking altered the nutrients in our massively. This caused changes in the study’s participants’ blood. He found those alterations to be of deteriorating nature.

He concluded the following blood changes:

  • Enhanced levels of cholesterol
  • Reduced number of red blood cells
  • Reduced number of white blood cells or leukocytes, suggesting poisoning
  • Radiolytic compound production (these compounds are unknown in nature)
  • Reduced hemoglobin levels, indicating anemic tendencies

Dr. Hans conducted these studies along with his team. They published the results of their study in 1992. However, the Swiss Association of Dealers for Electro-apparatuses for Households & Industry (a trade organization of Switzerland) got a gag order that banned Dr. Hans and his team from making any declaration about microwaves being dangerous to human health. It was not until 1998 that this gag order was removed. The Swiss court made a ruling that it was in violation of the right to freedom of expression. The court also ordered Switzerland to compensate Dr. Hertel.

Turbo Oven

Turbo oven is an oven that can cook food to be healthy while saving you time.

I use Turbo Oven for heating or cooking my food. It helps ensure healthy food while also being more affordable than microwave. Its advantages include:

  • Baking, broiling, boiling, roasting, frying, steaming, and grilling your foods.
  • Cooking foods while saving 25 to 30 percent time compared conventional oven.
  • The Turbo Oven consumes up to 80% lesser energy compared to conventional oven. So you will be saving lots of electricity.

Save all the important nutrients present in your food. For more information about the Turbo Oven, visit here.

How Microwave Potentially Affects Biophotons?

Biophotonics refers to the research and study, and applications of photons in the way they interact on and within biological systems like our body. Interestingly, a lot of the work on biophotons has been conducted in one country – Germany. Biophotons has been discussed by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt in his 2008 interview.

So what are biophotons?

These are the smallest physical units of light which get stored within and used by biological organisms. Sun’s energy is vital for our body and it enters our cells through the food we consume as biophotons.

Biophotons have crucial bio-information. They are quite important for various vital processes in the body. Biophotons play a part role in giving you the feeling of well being and vitality. You should consume foods rich in biophotons like the naturally-grown sun-ripened fruits and fresh veggies. These foods contain high amounts of light energy.

If you want to consume foods which are more nutritious, you should choose foods which can store more light energy.

There is lot of evidence on “microwave affect.” In this process, microwaving causes the destruction of biophotons the way it changes other structures and renders your food lifeless and dead. According to scientists, the presence of this phenomena means that it is reasonable that microwaves are capable of disrupting or destroying biophotons because they can break apart DNA bonds.

I have seen that there is almost no study that has proven the direct impact of microwave radiation on biophotons. However, this is a crucial thing to be investigated in the future.

On the Next Page you will learn Tips On How You Can Eliminate Microwaves from Your Life.  These are very valuable, so be sure to save them if you’re really trying to not use a microwave.

Next Page »

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35 Responses to “Do Not Microwave Your Food: It Destroys Nutrients, Exposes to Carcinogens & Harmful Radiation!”

  1. Deborah DeGroot

    Apr 20. 2016

    I don’t own one anymore

    Reply to this comment
  2. Julie Brownrigg

    Apr 20. 2016

    Is this backed up by science?

    Reply to this comment
  3. Linda D. Wood

    Apr 20. 2016

    Google the information

    Reply to this comment
  4. William Tarwater

    Apr 20. 2016

    This is the WEB PAGE FROM HELL when you click on it your just flooded with popups bet they will spam me to death now ..

    Reply to this comment
  5. If you read the article in full, you will see many links to many studies.

    Reply to this comment
  6. Jo Lynn

    Apr 20. 2016

    Haven’t used one in almost 20 years

    Reply to this comment
  7. Peggy S. Wmn

    Apr 21. 2016

    Ohhhhhhhhh Crapppppppp!

    Reply to this comment
  8. Patricia Murphy

    Apr 21. 2016

    Check out the European countries who will not aloow one inside their borders because their scientists have tested them 🙁 I have had my own health issues because of eating irradiated food… My specialists concurred…

    Reply to this comment
  9. Debi Bradley

    Apr 21. 2016

    I’ve been saying this for years! Don’t own one, never will!

    Reply to this comment
  10. Silver Smith

    Apr 22. 2016

    Fake as a Three dollar bill pitiful

    Reply to this comment
  11. I have a microwave, but never use it. Makes food tasteless.

    Reply to this comment
  12. Kay Sahab

    Jun 23. 2016

    i use mine.. i dont have a problem with taste ..

    Reply to this comment
  13. Josh Martinez

    Jun 23. 2016

    I have always used a microwave
    I was under the impression to avoid foods with hazardous chemicals in them

    Reply to this comment
  14. Barbara Vaughn

    Jun 23. 2016

    Reading page 2 of article, it winds up being an ad for an alternate quick-cooking appliance.

    Reply to this comment
  15. Billie Mastin Yohan

    Jun 24. 2016

    Teresa Mastin … a few reasons I hate the microwave!!

    Reply to this comment
  16. Teresa Mastin

    Jun 24. 2016

    My Dr. Has said the same thing about Microwaves. She said it kills too many nutrients. She recommends baking, grilling and steaming foods.

    Reply to this comment
  17. Stephen Redd

    Jun 25. 2016

    Healthy Tips. 🙂

    Reply to this comment
  18. Julia Schuld Levinus

    Aug 13. 2016

    We stopped using one about a year and a half ago.

    Reply to this comment
  19. Natural Healing Zone

    Aug 13. 2016


    Reply to this comment
  20. Natural Healing Zone

    Aug 13. 2016

    Stuff like this are why everyone likes social media

    Reply to this comment
  21. Kay Sahab

    Aug 13. 2016

    yeah,,,,,,yeah………..yeah.. whats next….

    Reply to this comment
  22. Irina Lund

    Aug 13. 2016

    Luka Poletaeva

    Reply to this comment
  23. Carole Freeman

    Aug 14. 2016

    Almost 5 years since we removed ours! We don’t even miss it!

    Reply to this comment
  24. Alan Brown

    Aug 14. 2016

    No scientific backing in this post to support claims made. Been using microwaves since they first came on market and consider them safe if used sensibly.

    Reply to this comment
  25. Kay Sahab

    Aug 14. 2016

    no, its just something new to whinge about..

    Reply to this comment
  26. Debi Shafer

    Aug 14. 2016

    Chris Shafer

    Reply to this comment
  27. Elisabeth Godwin

    Aug 14. 2016

    I thought microwaves didnt use radiation anymore.

    Reply to this comment
  28. Elisabeth Godwin

    Aug 14. 2016

    its all over the internet. Might try looking it up

    Reply to this comment
  29. Sally Corpuz Schutt

    Feb 25. 2017

    Very bad!

    Reply to this comment
  30. Kay Sahab

    Feb 25. 2017

    i will still use mine to heat up food and defrost food.

    Reply to this comment
  31. Janie MacKenzie

    Feb 25. 2017

    I have heard that. Most people won’t listen.

    Reply to this comment
  32. Jennifer Delacruz

    Feb 25. 2017

    Cell phones too

    Reply to this comment
  33. Debbie Bruno

    Feb 25. 2017

    Aviv Melmed

    Reply to this comment
  34. Helen Ananiadis

    Feb 26. 2017

    I never had one!!

    Reply to this comment
  35. Bailey Burton

    Feb 26. 2017

    What do you use in place of it besides your stove?

    Reply to this comment

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