Easy Steps To Prevent Type 2 Diabetes


Discover some easy steps to prevent type 2 diabetes. Check out the article we found over at Healthy and Natural World.

Before people develop type 2 diabetes, they almost always have “pre-diabetes” in which blood glucose levels that are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. People diagnosed as pre-diabetic should take it seriously and see it as a wake-up call for a change.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that these people will get diabetes since they have the time and possibility to correct their habits, and early treatment can actually return blood glucose levels to the normal range.

Being diagnosed as pre-diabetes is actually an opportunity to initiate lifestyle changes to help prevent diabetes. Here are seven preliminary and essential steps that are a good way to start improving your health and reduce the risk of developing diabetes:

1. Be physically active

Being more physically active is one of the important and beat changes that you should do to reduce the risk or even prevent type 2 diabetes. If it’s been a long time since the last time you’ve practiced, start gradually: replace the elevator with the stairs, do stretching while watching TV and so on.

Exercise is an integral part of the treatment plan for pre-diabetics because it lowers blood sugar levels and reduces body fat. Ideal training program should be held five times a week, 30 minutes each time. If you can’t set aside that much time at once, remember that shorter bursts of activity count too.

2. Lose weight

Obesity is one of the main reasons of type 2 diabetes. It is important to know that you don’t necessarily need to lose dozens of pounds to see a difference and prevent diabetes. Studies show that reducing 7% of your body weight helps to reduce the risk of diabetes by about 58%!.

It is important to lose weight to improve the health of your body and blood sugar, but the point is that you don’t have to do extreme diet that may even harm your health.

3. Improve sleep habits

A person who does not get enough sleep regularly will find it difficult to lose weight, and it will make it difficult for his body to use insulin more efficiently. It is advisable to adopt good sleep habits: go to bed and wake up at regular times every day, relax before turning off the lights and avoid using excessive television or smartphone before bedtime.

Crisis and challenges are part of the process of change, and you need to take this into account, allow yourself to experience these moments and come out better and stronger.

Next article: Help Control Diabetes With These Top Superfoods

Read full article: 7 Effective Steps to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

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