Hemp Seed Cures Tuberculosis


How hemp seed can treat tuberculosis. Check out the article we found over at Natural News.

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious, contagious, airborne disease, referred to as “the Great White Plague” of 19th century Europe. In 1882, the German physician Robert Koch discovered Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), the bacterium that causes most tuberculosis.

The WHO ranks TB as the second leading cause of death from an infectious disease. There were 8.6 million new TB cases in 2012 and 1.3 million TB deaths.

Also, in 2012, the WHO estimated that 450,000 people (globally) developed MDR-TB (multidrug-resistant tuberculosis). About 9.6% of these cases were XDR-TB (extensively drug-resistant TB).

It’s important to note that TB has always been prevalent in populations that are chronically stressed, and malnourished in some way. For example, in the 19th century, it was the city slum dwellers who were disproportionally afflicted by TB.

Hemp seeds cure TB

In 1955 the Tuberculosis Nutrition Study in Czechoslovakia declared that hemp seed was the only food that could cure tuberculosis. After 30 years of research, they discovered that a high protein diet was necessary for successfully treating TB.

The edestin protein found in hemp seed is considered to be the closest to human globulin, easily digested, and was considered the very best protein for treating TB. A report from their earlier clinical work:

The children came to us in a state of more or less depressed nutrition. The tuberculosis (primary and secondary) was confirmed and checked by the Prague doctors, from whom we received the children. The children did not use any other medication, with the exception of colloidal extract of hemp seed. EDEZYM, which was described in part IV. Three times a day the children received soup spoon of Edezym, always a quarter hour before the meal (without a drink), then vitamin B1 and vitamin C. … [T]here is no doubt. that [sic] the treatment was effective. In all cases, without any other medication or treatment procedures, within a usually short time, a healing of the lung or glands disease was accomplished.

Next Article: The Miracle Superfood You’re Not Eating

Read full article: Hemp seeds cure tuberculosis – forbidden medicine

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2 Responses to “Hemp Seed Cures Tuberculosis”

  1. Plantas Medicinales

    Feb 16. 2016


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  2. Alexa Suzanne

    Feb 16. 2016

    This is amazing hemp seeds are one of the most beneficial things I have ever come across <3 🙂 This is just another reason why I love natural home remedies so much <3 Instead of spending tons of my hard earned money on toxic medications and doctor bills I would much rather use more alternative medicine.I would highly suggest that everybody start using natural remedies, you will never go back. If you want to learn more about natural remedies I would suggest reading this story.


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