How To Treat A Toothache And Tooth Infection Naturally


Learn the natural remedies that you can apply to ease a toothache or rid your body of an infection. Check out the article we found over at Health Care For You.

Toothaches usually occur when the root of the tooth is irritated. The most common cause of toothache is tooth decay, damage or loss of teeth. Pain can also occur after the removal of a certain tooth. While no one enjoys toothache, good news is that the pain and the infection can be facilitated naturally.

If the cause of your toothache is an abscess or other infection, combine the use of:

– Put several wild oregano oil drops under the tongue. Let the oil acts for several minutes and then rinse with colloidal silver. Practice this procedure once on every hour.

– Ginger root

Other natural remedies that can ease

Take ginger root, cut a piece of it and remove its bark. Place the piece in the mouth on top of the affected tooth and bite down. The pain will settle after a short time. Keep the rest of the ginger in a container in the fridge and if necessary replace the piece in your mouth.

– Essential clove oil

Get rid of the toothache with the help of essential clove oil. The aromatic chemical from the clove, called eugenol, kills bacteria and relieves pain. In order to apply the oil you will need to soak a cotton wool in it and use it for applying it on and around inflamed tooth. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

– Black cumin oil

Take a teaspoon of black cumin oil (Nigella Sativa) and ½ a teaspoon of vinegar. Cook the mixture on fire. Let the resulting mixture cool and then use it for mouth rinsing in order to reduce inflammation and infection. Rinse on every two hours until the pain and swelling are gone.

Use cold compresses or other cold stuff (jar, bottle water) in order to relieve the annoying pain. When you have a toothache, use a cold compress on the outside. It will temporarily relieve pain, especially if you have trouble sleeping.

Note: If toothache worsens or lasts more than a few days, see a dentist immediately.

Next article: Stop Filling Your Cavities Instead Regrow Your Teeth

Read full article: How To Naturally Treat Toothache And Tooth Infection?

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7 Responses to “How To Treat A Toothache And Tooth Infection Naturally”

  1. Amy Carroll Duncan

    Feb 18. 2016

    Greg Duncan

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  2. Joe Mania

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  3. Tom …

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  4. Ling Wang

    Oct 29. 2017

    Do nothing, no food or Water for 72 to 96 hours, the pain, inflammation, swelling all disappear and usually do not come back to that tooth or spot, it is called self healing giving the body a chance to do all it can do. A hard dry fast! Used this technique several times to make tooth pain go away. No gargle or brushing after starting, clean it up and leave it alone.

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  5. Athena Lindsey

    Oct 29. 2017

    His tooth hurting?

    Reply to this comment
  6. Athena -yes, now and then.

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  7. Oil Supplements

    Dec 24. 2017

    ltnc, thx for posting

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