If You Use A Microwave, Here’s Why You Need To Stop Using It Immediately


The Microwave is an accidental by-product of war, but now it’s one of the most used devices in the kitchen.  Although it’s convenient, it’s really not worth what it’s actually doing.  Once you understand what it’s all doing to your food and health, you’ll probably think twice about using it.  What you teach your kids to do, is what they will do.  Help teach them the right thing to do here!  Learn all about this on the Next Page.

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380 Responses to “If You Use A Microwave, Here’s Why You Need To Stop Using It Immediately”

  1. Pat Kirkwood

    Apr 16. 2016

    We still get micriwave food if we buy fast food or go to resraurants

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  2. Pat Kirkwood

    Apr 16. 2016

    You can cook almost as fast on a stove and food is better. Why not get a toaster oven. They are wonderful and do lots of things

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  3. Pat Kirkwood

    Apr 16. 2016

    Yes, they are wonderful and do lots now

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  4. Pat Kirkwood

    Apr 16. 2016

    Changes the cells in food. Thats what happens in the body when cancer starts

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  5. Pat Kirkwood

    Apr 16. 2016

    Lifes Good and we can improve it

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  6. Darlene Kovacs Dohl

    Apr 16. 2016

    To a certain extent. Sometimes we have to accept it is what it is.

    Reply to this comment
  7. Lisa DiLuzio Brown

    Apr 17. 2016

    Tyrone L Brown Sr.

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  8. JH TrudeauMuise

    Apr 17. 2016

    Never use it again got rid of mine long ago

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  9. Lisa Wooten

    Apr 17. 2016

    How about convection ovens?

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  10. Darla Goodman

    Apr 17. 2016

    It also also keeps my husband from eating so much microwavable junk. Mine’s been gone for over a year now.

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  11. Bianca Ahmad

    Apr 18. 2016

    I don’t cook w a microwave . I just melt butter for a recipe if I have to or I warm up food, A couple times a week.

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  12. Evelyne Collet

    Apr 20. 2016

    microwave not allowed in my house… nuked food is not edible

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  13. Daniele Lindsey

    Apr 22. 2016

    Got rid of mine 3 years ago.

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  14. China Maybell

    Apr 23. 2016

    A young lady did and experiment years ago. She had two plants, gave one tap water,the other water that was microwaved and cooled. The tap water plant grew but the the other died…but never grew as big as the tap water plant either.

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  15. China Maybell

    Apr 23. 2016

    A lady used to reheat her food but in her small kitchen the United sat on a counter less than five from away. She developed a goiter on the neck on the side that was closer to the unit.

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  16. Heather Reay Zanussi

    Apr 23. 2016

    Mike Zanussi

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  17. Clara Cormier

    Apr 24. 2016

    This is all bull crap just someone looking for attention. It’s up to you use or don’t use I got the second one now over six years if it breaks down I may get another or may not ?????

    Reply to this comment
  18. me too.

    Reply to this comment
  19. Zenda Luebrecht

    Apr 25. 2016

    Haven’t had one for about a year now and don’t miss it at all.

    Reply to this comment
  20. Denise Damron Meade

    Apr 28. 2016

    They used to say that cigarettes don’t cause cancer or any health problems too, until they could no longer deny it.

    Reply to this comment
  21. Tarol Page Clements

    Apr 29. 2016

    Deon Clements

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  22. katherine

    Apr 30. 2016

    Yes, they are wonderfu

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  23. Lori Green

    Apr 30. 2016

    ALL cooking destroys enzymes.

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  24. Lori Green

    Apr 30. 2016

    There is a lot of poor critical thinking and poor grasp of science going on here. The plant urban myth has been debunked. http://www.snopes.com/science/microwave/plants.asp

    Reply to this comment
  25. Lori Green

    Apr 30. 2016

    The ‘plant dying from microwaved water’ is a a hoax. http://www.snopes.com/science/microwave/plants.asp

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  26. Lori Green

    Apr 30. 2016

    The warmed blood being altered is NOT because of microwaves–heat from ANY source causes hemolysis-at minimum–destruction of red blood cells.

    Reply to this comment
  27. Lori Green

    Apr 30. 2016

    I do not believe a lot of what we are told by ‘experts’, but we have to not be overly influenced by quack ‘science’ either. Cooking-period- destroys nutrients enzymes, and changes the composition of food. Cooking at high temperatures, and smoking meat, especially creating black and charred areas, is thought to contribute to carcinogenic changes in cells. There is no cooking method that does not change food on a molecular level. All things in moderation.

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  28. Lorraine Mckee

    May 01. 2016

    If it’s that bad.then why are they still being sold .

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  29. Natasha Patterson

    May 02. 2016


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  30. Frankie Todd Cayton

    May 02. 2016

    You can steam food hot and use a teakettle for getting water hot. Several holistic & naturopath practitioners advised me to quit using it.

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  31. Lynn Kile

    May 03. 2016

    Manufacturers care about money not people’s health.

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  32. Jean R. Krull Burdick

    May 03. 2016

    I’m going to try use it less and less.

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  33. Michael Duane Edwards

    May 03. 2016

    Totally agree. Russia studied them more than anyone else and outlawed them. Take seeds and freeze them, boil them, bake them, dry them out; they can still grow. Microwave them, they are dead forever. They sell because of advertising or should I say propaganda. Haven’t had one for 15 years and haven’t missed it.

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  34. Nancy Brock

    May 04. 2016

    I don’t cook in mine but I do use it for warming.

    Reply to this comment
  35. Paula Pearson

    May 05. 2016

    I’ve never looked back after I threw ours away.

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  36. Yanira Torres

    May 05. 2016

    Mary Ampie-soto

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  37. Charles M Lyons

    May 05. 2016

    One principle of evaluating a testimony is weighing the personal interests of the one presenting the testimony. What do these people have to gain?

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  38. Julia Gutierrez Sparacello

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  39. David Jose Torres

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  40. Ryan Callaghan

    May 05. 2016

    So long as your microwave is not physically damaged it’s safe. It’s the metal mesh that protects you.

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  41. Evangeline Velez

    May 06. 2016

    I very seldom use my microwave-if I use it once a month to heat food and I do not let it run all the way, I just take the chill off the food. I NEVER liked them, I always said that they could NOT be good for your health. I usually heat my food on the stove.

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  42. Peggy Milholland Wells

    May 06. 2016

    I didn’t use one very much. But l find I do not miss it. In a hurry to thaw, I put food in skillet, cover with lid. Lid makes difference as it holds heat to food. A little water added to skillet helps further by making steam, if needed.

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  43. Katie West

    May 06. 2016


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  44. Katie West

    May 06. 2016


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  45. Candy Mullins Garrison

    May 08. 2016

    No microwave at our house. We learned it is easy to live with out it.

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  46. Sharlene Larson

    May 08. 2016

    I’ve had one since they came out. After all these years I’m not concerned. I don’t have a dishwasher however. Does that count?

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  47. Nicole Ilochonwu

    May 10. 2016

    Kari D Kuipers Carolyn Lesmeister

    Reply to this comment
  48. Maria Torres

    May 11. 2016

    Andrea Moyer Denise Santiago Sandra Torres

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  49. Lynn Freeman

    May 11. 2016

    I got rid of ours over 20 years ago. Kids thought I was the mother from hell. That lasted about a week. We’ve never missed it!

    Reply to this comment
  50. Karen Umbarger Arena

    May 11. 2016

    I can’t read this. I am currently eating some leftovers I just heated up in the microwave. I am too hungry to read this.

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