Learn The Best Way To Distill Your Water


Learn how to distill your own water by this method. Check out the article we found over at Prepared For That.

We found a great tutorial on water distillation. The link is after our commentary and important additional tips.

Water is essential for all life forms. We need it to keep us hydrated and it also helps in flushing out toxins from our body. There are so many benefits that come with drinking water. It contains zero calories – so it’s a perfect beverage to drink if you’re planning to lose weight!

Distilled water is water in its purest form. Distillation is a process of removing impurities by first boiling the water and then condensing the steam into a clean container. This is sometimes recommended for people who are sick, but it’s typically not recommended for everyday use because our bodies also need minerals – and the minerals are removed by distillation.

This brings up an interesting and much-debated topic: Is drinking distilled water healthy? I have pored over innumerable documents in an attempt to get the best answer to this, and to be honest, the jury is still out. It is one of those “no simple answer” topics that is argued over endlessly, it seems.

Benefits of distilled water are that the water really is pure. This is a GREAT benefit – and if the containers were properly cleaned, then this means no microorganisms, no parasites, no fluoride, no pesticides and none of the other nasty chemicals that are now so often found in tap water.

Distillation is a process of filtering and purifying water, resulting in pure, pH-balanced H-TWO-O. The process consists of:

1) Boiling/evaporating the water,
2) Collecting the water vapor,
3) Cooling it to allow it to condense back into liquid, and then
4) Collecting the liquid.

The boiling causes the pure water molecules to evaporate, leaving all impurities behind in the boiling pot. Impurities that distilling will remove include bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, salts, chemicals and particulates. In short, it is a very effective method of creating safe water to drink.


1. With A Stove

You can distill water at home. You will need:

  1. A stove
  2. A large pot (5+ gallons ideally) with a convex (curving out) lid.
  3. A smaller bowl that fits into the pot

Fill the pot about half way with the water you’d like to distill. Place the pot on a stove element, and turn it to a temperature that will cause the water to boil slowly. Place your bowl in the center of the pot, so it’s floating on the water. Place the lid of the pot upside down, so it curved inwards. Place ice cubes on top of the lid.

The water will turn into steam, and collect on the lid. Because the lid is cold, the steam will condense and because the lid curves inward, will run down to the lowest point and drip into your bowl. Keep the process going until your bowl fills, or gets too close to the bottom of the pan that your collected water begins to boil.

Another adaption you can make is using glass bottles instead of a bowl to collect your water. In this instance, fill one bottle with the water you wish to distill. Connect the two bottles at the top, and place the bottle with water into the water-filled pot. The water in the bottle will evaporate, and flow into the other bottle. Place the second bottle in ice, to cool the steam down and convert it into liquid. Make sure the second bottle is at an angle where the water will collect, and not flow back into the first bottle.


Distilled water is very safe in the short term, as it has had all of its impurities removed. It is water in its purest form. Over the long term, however, there are some concerns with it. The problem is, it’s missing a lot of minerals found naturally in water sources, and it’s not clear the effect this will have on a person long term. So don’t rely on distilled water as your only water source, unless you are also taking a mineral supplement as well.

Other ways to distill water.

  1. Atmospheric Water Generators
  2. Using Bottles
  3. Solar Still
  4. Rain Water

Next Article: Top Health Benefits Of Coconut Water


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