Natural Remedies To Stop Snoring


Here are some of the natural remedies to stop snoring. Check out the article we found over at Everydayroots for some really really great tips on how to stop snoring.

Snoring is often depicted in a comedic way when in reality it is anything but, particularly when its regular, which results in poor sleep for the snorer, and poor sleep for whoever shares the bed, room, or in extreme cases, the people next door. Snoring is caused by the relaxation of the muscles in your soft palate (roof of your mouth,) tongue, and throat. The tissues in your throat can get so relaxed that they partially block your airway and vibrate as air rushes past. The narrower your airway, the more intense vibration, and the louder the snore. A number of factors contribute to who snores and why, from your mouth anatomy to alcohol consumption, but home remedies can help without getting a pressurized mask or mouthpiece involved.

1. Utilize a tennis ball

If you happen to be someone who sleeps mostly on their back, try putting a tennis ball in a shirt pocket of an old shirt and sewing it to the mid-back of your pajama top (the top should be one that fits snuggly.) When you roll over, the discomfort from the tennis ball forces you to roll back on your side, without waking you up. It sounds bizarre but if you can sleep through your partner elbowing you, a tennis ball shouldn’t be a problem. You could also try strapping one on somehow-but that isn’t as practical, and won’t be terribly comfortable either.

You will need…
-1 tennis ball
-Shirt pocket of an old shirt
-Needle and thread

Cut the shirt pocket out of an old shirt, and thread your needle. Sew the pocket into the mid back region of your pajama top. The top should be snug, so that the material doesn’t just shift the ball out of the way as you roll over. Don’t worry if it’s not pretty-nobody is judging your seamstress skills here. Tuck the tennis ball in the pocket before you crawl in bed, and proceed to sleep per usual.

Note: If you have a dog that really, really, likes tennis balls…you’ve been warned.

2. Humidify, humidify, humidify

If you sleep in a room with dry air it’s possible that its contributing or causing you to snore. Dry air dries out our throat and nasal membranes and contributes to congestion. This makes it air movement restricted, and will set your tissues vibrating. There are two ways to going about treating your snoring if this is the case-buy a humidifier, or move to an exceptionally exotic tropical location.

3. If you’re overweight, lose weight

If you’re overweight it’s possible that its causing your snoring, or making it worse. When you’re overweight you may have extra tissues in the throat contributing to the noise. The more that blocks your throat the more air is interrupted as it flows over, creating the vibrations that result in the sound of snoring.

4. Raise the head of your bed

You can raise the head of your bed about 4 inches or so, which may help keep your tongue from falling back and blocking your throat, and may help open up your airways a little bit.

You will need…
-Sturdy blocks of wood, about 1-2 inches thick OR books

If you don’t have wood lying around that you can use, you can pick up some scrap lumber easily at some hardware stores. It should be flat, square, and about 1-2 inches thick. Make sure it is wide enough to thoroughly cover the base of the foot you will be resting on it. Add these blocks 1 by 1 until you’ve reached about 4 inches. If you’d prefer to use books instead, just pop some under the feet at the head of the bed. In both cases, but particularly with books because of their uneven size, make sure the bed it steady and doesn’t wobble.

Next Article: 5 Signs That Let Us Know We Are Sleep Deprived

Read full article: 12 Ways to Help You Snooze Without Snoring


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3 Responses to “Natural Remedies To Stop Snoring”

  1. Linda Dirks Twomey

    Nov 23. 2015

    Duct tape use 102

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  2. Oil Supplements

    Nov 07. 2017

    Thanks for posting.

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  3. Raluca Ghiban

    Nov 07. 2017

    David Cohen

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