Pepsi Admits That Aquafina Bottled Water Is Just Tap Water


We all think that all bottled water is the most safe water to drink because it undergoes some procedures. But this brand of bottled water just admitted that the water they are using is just tap water.

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171 Responses to “Pepsi Admits That Aquafina Bottled Water Is Just Tap Water”

  1. Brian Edwins

    Mar 04. 2016

    Still tastes good 2 me!!

    Reply to this comment
  2. Lori Hamilton

    Mar 04. 2016

    Shelley Montag McNeill

    Reply to this comment
  3. Sylvia Fader

    Mar 04. 2016

    Totally agree.

    Reply to this comment
  4. Linda Reay

    Mar 04. 2016

    Shocking so wrong

    Reply to this comment
  5. Erica Wilson

    Mar 05. 2016

    Brittany Brandi

    Reply to this comment
  6. Brittany Kerley

    Mar 05. 2016

    I’ve always though so lol

    Reply to this comment
  7. Lesley Heiser

    Jul 28. 2016

    All that wasted horrible for you plastic. A crime!

    Reply to this comment
  8. Lynda Whelan

    Jul 28. 2016

    I think all bottled water is tap water.

    Reply to this comment
  9. Kathy Maynard-Hodges

    Jul 28. 2016

    I’ve been telling people this for years. All they do is filter it again.

    Reply to this comment
  10. It says it’s purified by reverse osmosis?? Alex Harrilchak fact check ?

    Reply to this comment
  11. Alex Harrilchak

    Jul 28. 2016

    I am tired of all this bull

    Reply to this comment
  12. Rhonda Perdew Lmt

    Jul 28. 2016

    Told ya

    Reply to this comment
  13. Raluca Ghiban

    Jul 28. 2016

    David Cohen

    Reply to this comment
  14. Jodi Bowles-Wylde it was Aquifina water

    Reply to this comment
  15. Kathy Hollister

    Jul 28. 2016

    Is it not purified?

    Reply to this comment
  16. Alex Harrilchak

    Jul 28. 2016

    So don’t drink it

    Reply to this comment
  17. Julie Scho

    Jul 28. 2016

    It says on the bottle “purified water” not “spring water”

    Reply to this comment
  18. Marlene Müller

    Jul 28. 2016

    Oh boy. What a crock. Why does Pepsi lie to us.

    Reply to this comment
  19. Sharon Schlieckau

    Jul 28. 2016

    Knew it all along. Worst tasting crap in a bottle!!

    Reply to this comment
  20. Sharon Schlieckau

    Jul 28. 2016

    I don’t.

    Reply to this comment
  21. Kate New

    Jul 28. 2016

    Class action. Deception.

    Reply to this comment
  22. Kerry Gorman Shockley

    Jul 28. 2016

    Pam Gorman

    Reply to this comment
  23. Jodi Bowles-Wylde

    Jul 28. 2016

    Thanks xo

    Reply to this comment
  24. Niccole Edwins

    Jul 28. 2016

    Brian Edwins

    Reply to this comment
  25. Nikki Lee

    Jul 28. 2016

    that water is digusting!

    Reply to this comment
  26. Jessica Fox

    Jul 28. 2016

    Dasani is just as bad!!! It’s UK tap water! Both are gross. In fact the ONLY safe bottled water is Evian. They’ve all been tested & Evian is the only one that’s really pure

    Reply to this comment
  27. Donna Hatfield Puckett

    Jul 28. 2016

    Only Zepherhills

    Reply to this comment
  28. Rasamee Jaycox

    Jul 28. 2016

    You could tell it was. So is arrowhead, smart water and dasani which comes out of the Detroit River

    Reply to this comment
  29. Halina Myers

    Jul 28. 2016

    Dasani processes it and then adds synthetic garbage to it and salt.

    Reply to this comment
  30. Irina Lund

    Jul 28. 2016

    Luka Poletaeva

    Reply to this comment
  31. Diana Gonzales

    Jul 28. 2016

    Jessica Duran

    Reply to this comment
  32. Penny L. Francis

    Jul 28. 2016

    Why am I NOT surprised?

    Reply to this comment
  33. Priscilla Jakubowski

    Jul 28. 2016

    I never liked this brand .

    Reply to this comment
  34. Dallas Junior

    Jul 28. 2016

    Fiji has the best water

    Reply to this comment
  35. D'Arin Sprayberry Sr.

    Jul 28. 2016

    What makes me laugh is when people that buy bottled water complain about gas prices.

    Reply to this comment
  36. Jeff Bagshaw

    Jul 28. 2016

    Never buy it there is nothing wrong with tap water the whole bottled water industry is a money grab

    Reply to this comment
  37. Never did like this water—- recycled city water—ugh!!!!

    Reply to this comment
  38. Lorry Robles

    Jul 28. 2016

    Victor Vazquez, this is what you told me!

    Reply to this comment
  39. Baruch Inbar

    Jul 28. 2016

    f**k-uafina you are screwed.

    Reply to this comment
  40. Oleta Fogle Williams

    Jul 28. 2016

    I’ll take the good old Louisville water any day! I think it is pure.

    Reply to this comment
  41. Oleta Fogle Williams

    Jul 28. 2016

    Think about all those plastic bottles being generated and going into our landfills! I can’t understand all the bottles of tea and other drinks being bought. I make my own.

    Reply to this comment
  42. Michelle Bleau

    Jul 29. 2016

    Haha maycm my cousin once told me! I believed her

    Reply to this comment
  43. Jeffrey Dodd

    Jul 29. 2016

    That’s how big company’s make there money ripping off the people there all the same SMFH

    Reply to this comment
  44. Mary Suzanne Kuhel

    Jul 29. 2016


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  45. Elena Barbeli

    Jul 29. 2016

    Essentia water it’s the best!!!

    Reply to this comment
  46. Cindy Baldwin

    Jul 29. 2016

    They should be shut down.

    Reply to this comment
  47. Sabrina Sayre

    Jul 29. 2016

    Zephyrhills only!!

    Reply to this comment
  48. Philip Kennard

    Reply to this comment
  49. Philip Kennard

    Jul 29. 2016

    It’s got to be better than my tap water , it is really bad at times !!

    Reply to this comment
  50. Philip Kennard true

    Reply to this comment

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