Sitting More Than 3 Hours Can Damage Your Blood Vessels


We work or do most of our activities while sitting. But sitting for too long or at least three hours can damage our blood vessels. Check out the article we found at Fitness Mercola.

Organ Damage

Heart: When you sit, blood flows slower and muscles burn less fat, which makes it easier for fatty acids to clog your heart. Research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology showed that women who sit for 10 or more hours a day may have a significantly greater risk of developing heart disease than those who sit for five hours or less.

Pancreas: Your body’s ability to respond to insulin responds after just one day of excess sitting, which leads your pancreas to produce increased amounts. This may lead to diabetes.

Research published in Diabetologia found that those who sat for the longest periods of time were twice as likely to have diabetes or heart disease, compared to those who sat the least.

Sitting for more than eight hours a day has also been associated with a 90 percent increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

Colon Cancer: Excess sitting may increase your risk of colon, breast, and endometrial cancers. The mechanism isn’t known for certain, but it could be due to excess insulin production, which encourages cell growth, or the fact that regular movement boosts antioxidants in your body that may eliminate potentially cancer-causing free radicals.

Posture Problems

Strained Neck and Shoulders: It’s common to hold your neck and head forward while working at a computer or cradling a phone to your ear. This can lead to strains to your cervical vertebrae along with permanent imbalances, which can lead to neck strain, sore shoulders, and back.

Back Problems: Sitting puts more pressure on your spine than standing, and the toll on your back health is even worse if you’re sitting hunched in front of a computer. It’s estimated that 40 percent of people with back pain have spend long hours at their computer each day.

The disks in your back are meant to expand and contract as you move, which allows them to absorb blood and nutrients. When you sit, the disks are compressed and can lose flexibility over time. Sitting excessively also increase your risk of herniated disks.

Personally, after I reduced my normal 12 to 14 hours of daily sitting to under one hour, the back pain I’d struggled with for decades disappeared.

Next Article: Improve Blood Circulation With These All Natural Blood Thinners

Read Full Article: Just Three Hours of Sitting Can Damage Your Blood Vessels


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One Response to “Sitting More Than 3 Hours Can Damage Your Blood Vessels”

  1. Farber

    Jul 08. 2016

    Thanks for this wonderful information, I will keep this in mind and i also prefer not to sit straight. this is not good for health.

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