The Awesome Health Benefits Of Cumin And Its Uses


Learn the awesome health benefits of cumin and its uses. Check out the article we found over at Healthy and Natural World.

Cumin is a popular spice in many Indian, Mexican and Middle Eastern dishes and it’s one of the most popular household spices around. We often forget the significance of something that we use on a regular basis and cumin happens to be one of them.

Research shows that cumin has antioxidant properties, helps in digestion, insomnia, diabetes and protects against memory loss among many other things.

According to Ayurveda, cumin is one of best overall wellness tonic and is used to treat a large variety of ailments, as it is nutrient-rich, is thought to boost the metabolism and the function of the digestive system, and has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Please note that this article is about the health benefits of cumin (Cuminum cyminum). Make sure not to confuse cumin with black cumin seed (Nigella sativa) which also known as the remedy for everything but death.

The Health Benefits of Cumin

1. Weight Loss Remedy

Cumin not only makes your metabolism work more quickly, but it also cuts down on your cravings.

In a study done by Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences in Iran, women who incorporated cumin into their diet while leading a healthy lifestyle decreased their body fat percentage by 14.64% while those who just led a healthier lifestyle only decreased theirs by 4.91%.

2. Helps Fighting Insomnia

Cumin seeds are a highly effective treatment for insomnia.

To use cumin to help and fight insomnia mix half a teaspoon of ground cumin with a mashed banana after dinner.

You can also drink a cumin tea right before bed:

  1. Mix half a teaspoon of ground cumin with one cup of boiled water.
  2. Cover the container and let it sit for about five minutes.
  3. Drink this cumin tea before bedtime.

3. Improves Iron levels

I’ve already mentioned that iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency and the leading cause of anemia in the United States

Iron is also an essential mineral for proper metabolism in your body. Symptoms of iron deficiency include shortness of breath and muscle weakness. Children, adolescents and women of child-bearing age are at higher risk for iron deficiency.

Cooking with ground cumin can help prevent iron deficiency, since each teaspoon provides 4 milligrams of iron, which is roughly 22% of the daily value.

Other Helpful Spices

  • Cinnamon is another spice that is full of medicinal properties that can contribute a lot to your health.
  • You can add turmeric to your diet.
  • You can also consume ginger which has many health benefits.
  • Black seed is called “the remedy for everything but death”.

Next Article: Top 10 Herbs That Heal

Read full article: The Miraculous Health Benefits and Uses of Cumin

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