The Greatest Cover-up In The History Of Cancer


Natural treatments for cancer are not able to be patented, so big pharmaceutical companies do not have any interest in promoting something natural because it can’t be profitable.  So, the cures that are found in nature that are always best, are always covered up! Vitamin B17 is one of those natural cures, but we are hoping it doesn’t have to stay that way for long.  Learn all about apricots and the hidden cure they contain on the Next Page.

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81 Responses to “The Greatest Cover-up In The History Of Cancer”

  1. Cindy Bennett

    Feb 17. 2016

    1996 my mother went to Mexico for cancer treatment and Latrile was used.

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  2. Leanne Tobin-Martina

    Feb 17. 2016

    Pamela Basile

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  3. Leanne Tobin-Martina

    Feb 17. 2016

    Maria Caroline Dirina

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  4. Kate New

    Feb 17. 2016

    Was the treatment effective? I hope

    Reply to this comment
  5. Cindy Bennett

    Feb 17. 2016

    Yes it works

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  6. Marilyn Livingston

    Feb 17. 2016

    Learned this years ago about the seed inside the pits. There are preventions at hand and have been for a long time.

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  7. Camille Griggs

    Feb 17. 2016

    Douglas Griggs

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  8. Kate New

    Feb 17. 2016


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  9. Laurie Ann

    Feb 17. 2016

    Where can I buy b17

    Reply to this comment
  10. Any health food store should have it.

    Reply to this comment
  11. Kristin Nicole

    Feb 17. 2016

    Lori Deren-DeVaney
    Molly DeVaney

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  12. Zahia Halabi

    Feb 17. 2016

    Nagam Halabi show mom

    Reply to this comment
  13. Yep sure do, it’s a giant cover up!

    Reply to this comment
  14. Lynn Gardner

    Feb 17. 2016

    It looks just like almonds. They taste bitter if you just eat them plain – and you should not ingest more than 6-8 per day according to the Budwig protocol, but I grind them with my flax seeds.

    Reply to this comment
  15. Sandy Spurlock

    Feb 17. 2016

    Sherry Mellott, Kelly Rankin, Diane Green, Krista Hoffman Lillard,

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  16. Liz Kirk

    Feb 17. 2016

    Money is the root of all evil!

    Reply to this comment
  17. Cindy Bennett

    Feb 17. 2016

    Love Budwig.

    Reply to this comment
  18. Doug Wilson

    Feb 17. 2016

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  19. Doug Wilson

    Feb 17. 2016

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  20. Cynthia L. Fehr

    Feb 17. 2016

    I remember all the hype that was going on about this and then poof, nada …

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  21. Maxine L Michaud

    Feb 17. 2016

    You can order these online. You won’t find them in any health food store.

    Reply to this comment
  22. Elizabeth Bates

    Feb 17. 2016

    U cannot buy b 17 in the US. The fda has made it illegal. Ohhhh they Know it cures cancer. This is why people go to Mexico they use high doses of b 17 to cure cancer. I know this from a very reliable source.

    Reply to this comment
  23. Janette Mathews Green

    Feb 17. 2016

    I’ve sold them for years in my health food store. I also sell the B17 pills.

    Reply to this comment
  24. Maxine L Michaud

    Feb 17. 2016

    Janette Mathews Green I was told they were not available anywhere in this country. Glad to hear you’ve been able to market them!

    Reply to this comment
  25. Maxine L Michaud

    Feb 17. 2016

    I also ordered B17 outside of the country.

    Reply to this comment
  26. Jennifer Smith

    Feb 17. 2016

    Linda N Brandon Teubner

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  27. Patty Brewer Rouleau

    Feb 17. 2016

    Thanks Seine…emailed this link to myself…

    Reply to this comment
  28. Maxine L Michaud

    Feb 17. 2016

    Your welcomed pat!

    Reply to this comment
  29. Maxine L Michaud

    Feb 17. 2016

    That’s where I ordered them from also…Mexico

    Reply to this comment
  30. Chris Nelson

    Feb 17. 2016

    Lori Nelson Weiss remember when we saved and dried all our apricot pits? I wish mom would’ve eaten more if them.

    Reply to this comment
  31. Etta Chaya Brumm

    Feb 18. 2016

    take note at how much the mainstream media does not represent the TRUTH, but sells out to power and money. This is one of their projects. and there are many more. the General Public is the only way to get truth out there. Movements to do this, have begun, I’ve been reading about it.

    Reply to this comment
  32. Cecilia Gordie Garcia

    Feb 18. 2016

    A friend of mine orders it on line and it has cured the cancer of the kidney. She had a tumor and refused surgery. A year after taking b17 faithfully she
    Had more exams and they found no cancer and no mass. It was a long and difficult year. Also the foods had to change. If your interested I’ll ask where she ordered it from.

    Reply to this comment
  33. Sandra Reaper Barnett

    Apr 27. 2016

    Patricia A. Samuelson

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  34. Diann Phillips Tieman

    Apr 27. 2016

    This is not a hidden cover up. It has been around for at least 40 years. The reason you have not heard moe about it is because it doesn’t work.

    Reply to this comment
  35. Draha F. Kadlec

    Apr 27. 2016

    Love apricots!

    Reply to this comment
  36. Souka Kassi

    Apr 27. 2016

    This is How to Detox Your Body Completely Through Your Feet

    Reply to this comment
  37. Rita Preston

    Apr 28. 2016

    Vealzette Coombs

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  38. Ida Glasgow Drewrey

    Apr 28. 2016


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  39. Carol Larsen

    Apr 28. 2016

    Cancer is a business!

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  40. Alles Paletti

    Jun 15. 2016


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  41. Jess Cor been hearing a lot about B-17

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  42. Jess Cor

    Jun 15. 2016

    Imma check it out…

    Reply to this comment
  43. Vanessa Hintz

    Jun 15. 2016

    It was banned in the USA primarily because it’s in apple seeds as well and the theory was to eat the complete fruit. But a man ate large amounts of just apple seeds and died I believe. The book which I owned at one time was banned. Please be responsible in your search for health cures no way could we overdose eating the entire fruit it’s the apricot pit that gets cracked open and the seed eaten with the fruit. But not peach seeds

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  44. Bethany Seesing Fisher

    Jun 15. 2016

    Jeremy Nicole have you heard anything about this? Have you heard of people consuming the inner seed?

    Reply to this comment
  45. Jeremy Nicole

    Jun 15. 2016

    Just a few weeks ago I read about people baking and grinding up the seed of an avocado for similar reasons. I’ve never heard of this specifically. I’ll have to read up on it. God gave us so many things in nature that meet our needs…it’s amazing.

    Reply to this comment
  46. Dorothy Palmero

    Jun 15. 2016

    These treatments are poplar in Mexico Jeremy Nicole

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  47. Bethany Seesing Fisher

    Jun 15. 2016

    Just thought to ask you since they grow in your area.

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  48. Jeremy Nicole

    Jun 15. 2016

    Bethany Seesing Fisher Dorothy Palmero works with cancer patients. she may have more info about it.

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  49. Dianne Culp

    Jun 16. 2016

    They killed that too.

    Reply to this comment
  50. Ruth Ann Parker

    Jun 18. 2016

    My dear Aunt was treated by this misguided method in 1978. Sad outcome.

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