4 Incredible Ways To Heal Scars Naturally


This is #2 on the list of The Incredible Ways To Heal Scars Naturally

2.      Pure Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera is truly a super plant as it comes to natural healing. Its gel is rich in healing nutrients and can be used on wounds as well to speed up the healing process and prevent scarring from the beginning of the wound healing process.

If you have this plant growing at home, just take a limb and scoop out the fresh healing gel. No plants at your house? No worries, you can buy pure, organic Aloe Vera gel at your local health store. Massage the gel on the affected area and let set and soak. Don’t wash the gel off, your skin will absorb it completely. Repeat 3 times a day or as often as needed.

Add vitamin E powder or oil to your gel for an extra healing boost. Vitamin E oil or capsules are often used to preserve Aloe gel. So if you’re using fresh gel you could make a batch, add some vitamin E and it will keep for weeks in your fridge. But keep in mind, if you using Aloe gel with vitamin E oil, better not apply on scars that are not fully healed. Aloe vera is a common medicinal herb and is useful for other ailments, not just for the skin.

The next tip is a fresh one idea, involving a cucumber, mint and an egg.  Learn how to make that paste on the next page.

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One Response to “4 Incredible Ways To Heal Scars Naturally”

  1. Gena Morales

    Jun 09. 2017

    Anthony Morales

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