The Proper Sleep Position For You Based On Your Health Issues


When it comes to sleeping, the position you sleep in is the most important thing. As the experts assure us, only some positions are recommended for improving your health, so pay attention. An improper sleeping position flattens the natural curve of the spine which can lead to lower back pain. Sleep makes you feel better despite of a long work day work or going to school.  So, that’s why we brought you this article to help you get a good nights sleep while helping you possibly improve health issues at the same time!

Check out  the article we found at Healthy Food House.

Here is how you can tell which position is bad for you:

Shoulder pain: if you are experiencing shoulder pain, you should avoid sleeping on the left or right side. Sleeping on your stomach can cause shoulder asymmetry as well. In order to protect your shoulder sit is best to sleep on your back.

Back pain: Back pain usually comes as a result of poor quality mattress. Since this is the most recommended position, it shouldn’t give you pain, but if it does, you ought to switch things up. Place a pillow under your knees to posture the spine in a better position and reduce tendons tension.

Neck pain: take a pillow and place both hands with it under your head. In case you sleep on the side, the pillow should be flat.

You cannot fall asleep: get rid of all technology, such as phones and TV before sleeping. Steer clear of caffeine, alcohol, energetic and soda drinks, black tea, and chocolate for 6 hours before going to sleep.

You cannot wake up in the morning: make sure to wake up at the same time every day, and don’t interrupt this cycle.

Snoring: don’t sleep on your stomach if you snore, since you can interrupt the normal breathing process. Use harder pillows, or sleep on two softer pillows.

Snoring is actually relieved if you sleep on your side, because the breathing process is not interfered by anything.

Leg pain: cramps and spasms can be caused during sleep, and can affect the leg, feet, or thighs. To treat this problem, consult your doctor first. The best way to help yourself in this case is to stretch your legs and tighten the muscles.

Next article: How To Stop Snoring Naturally For A Good Night’s Sleep

Read full article: Health Experts Warn That This is The Only Right Sleeping Position That Can Solve Many Health Issues


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