The Top Foods To Help Fight Nausea


Discover the foods that fight nausea. Check out the article we found over at The Science Of Eating.

Stomach unsettled? Feeling a little green around the gills? Here are some top nausea eliminating foods and tactics that can help with an ordinary upset stomach, while some are especially good for those undergoing cancer treatments, or those dealing with morning sickness.

A variety of conditions exist that can cause or contribute to nausea, along with simply eating something that doesn’t agree with you, these conditions include the flu, stomach illness, pregnancy, anxiety, stress, and certain medical treatments, such as chemotherapy.

When feeling nauseous, one of the last things you may feel like doing is eating or even thinking about food. However, adequate nutrition is needed to maintain health and recover from illness. Although some foods may increase nausea, certain other foods and dietary habits are well tolerated and may actually help relieve symptoms. Below are a list of some of the BEST!

Top Foods For Fighting Nausea

Focus On Stomach-Friendly Foods

Because high-fat, spicy and some high-fiber foods are harder to digest, consume easily digestible foods to ease morning sickness, such as liquids, smoothies, yogurts and low-fat, higher-carb foods. Avoid hard-to-digest fatty foods and fried foods when experiencing morning sickness, such as premium ice cream, french fries and fried chicken.

Eat Nutrient-Dense Foods

Include Greek yogurt or kefir, cheese, fish, nut butter, whole-grain pasta, brown rice, tofu and turkey. If peanut butter is too much, try almond or cashew butter, and spread it thinly on whole grain crackers, bread, apple slices or celery sticks.

Make Yourself Eat/Drink

No matter whether you feel like it or not, you should try to eat something. If you don’t eat, you will get an acid-filled stomach and low blood sugar. Also, frequent vomiting can be dangerous because it can lead to dehydration, so getting even a small amount of nutrient dense liquids can be very helpful.

Coconut Water

Coconut water can be helpful for reducing vomiting and nausea, as is especially helpful in replacing fluids lost during vomiting from many thing like severe intestinal flu.

Coconut water is fabulous when used to re-hydrate the body during and after exercise. Coconut water is your best bet when replacing sugary electrolyte drinks, supplying high levels of potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium and phosphorus. In addition, it is low in sugar, fats and cholesterol. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has received the first patent for the UN to produce a sports drink with coconut water.

Often people who travel have to deal with parasites, which can make them very sick. Coconut water is sterile and can be used to eliminate parasites and worms in the intestines, says Bruce Fife in “Coconut Water for Health and Healing.” But always consult your health practitioner before doing this to make sure your problem is parasites and not some other condition that may mimic the symptoms.


A popular treatment for morning sickness, as lemons, any way you take them, are great little nausea-blockers. Eat them in foods, suck on them, or just grab and sniff a cut up lemon wedge when your tummy is upset.  Why lemon? According to the National Cancer Institute, lemon, lime, and other tart-flavored foods are easy on the stomach.

 Extra Tips To End Nausea

Chilled Foods

Scientists know that nausea is controlled by the central nervous system and that many factors, like the dose of chemotherapy, the duration, the way it’s administered, and the anxiety level of a patient can all play a role in onset and severity.  Food temperatures also appear to play a huge roll. Chilled foods like chef salads, sandwiches, popsicles, and sorbets seem to go down much easier than hot foods.

Comfort Foods

Strong aromas, bold spicy flavors, and lots of fat can all trigger nausea. So it’s best to stick with the plain stuff like rice, noodles, and mashed potatoes.  Of course, that doesn’t have to mean deprivation. Most of these milder-flavored choices are the kind of comfort foods that make the tummy happy and satisfy the spirit as well.

Nausea AccupressureTry Accupressure

Both Eastern and Western medical practitioners describe a pressure point about two inches above the crease on the inner aspect of the wrist. If this pressure point is stimulated, it may relieve nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy.

With other conditions similar to morning sickness, such as seasickness, Sea Bands® can be worn around one or both wrists. Each band contains a button to press on the vomiting-sensitive pressure point. These bands have been proven effective by research studies and are available without prescription at pharmacies and marine stores.



Read full article: FOODS THAT FIGHT NAUSEA

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