This Artificial Sweetener Is Causing More Serious Health Problems, Beware!


People use artificial sweeteners as sugar substitute to provide sweet taste like that of a sugar. But, are they safe? Are they recommended if you want to maintain your blood sugar level on safe zone? Or,  will they just put your health at risk?

Below is an excerpt of an article that tackles about a particular artificial sweetener, Splenda. Take a look and discover what researchers have found out:

Artificial Sweeteners Confuse Your Metabolism

When you eat something sweet, your brain releases dopamine, which activates your brain’s reward center. The appetite-regulating hormone leptin is also released, which eventually informs your brain that you are “full” once a certain amount of calories have been ingested.

However, when you consume something that tastes sweet but doesn’t contain any calories, like an artificial sweetener, your brain’s pleasure pathway still gets activated by the sweet taste. However, there’s nothing to deactivate it since the calories never arrive.

Artificial sweeteners basically trick your body into thinking that it’s going to receive sugar (calories), but when the sugar doesn’t come your body continues to signal that it needs more, which results in carb cravings.

Contrary to industry claims, research over the last 30 years — including several large-scale prospective cohort studies — has shown that artificial sweeteners stimulate appetite, increase cravings for carbs, and produce a variety of metabolic dysfunctions that promote fat storage and weight gain — often to the researchers’ great surprise.


So, will you still use artificial sweeteners? Or will just go for natural ways? It’s up to you to decide.


Next Article: Learn The Best Healthy Alternatives To Artificial Sweeteners

Read Full Article: Artificial Sweeteners Cause Cancer


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