WARNING: Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer You Should Know About


The American Cancer Society estimates that over 230,000 new cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed in 2014 and a total of about 30,000 deaths were recorded in the same year.

It also estimated that 1 in 7 men are more than likely to have prostate cancer in their life time and that majority of these men would be about 66 years of age.

It is therefore important to know what prostate cancer is and how to identify the symptoms in order to seek medical attention early.

Prostate Cancer What Is It?

The prostate is a small gland that is located in the reproductive system of most male mammals and the function of the gland is to provide sperm with seminal fluid.

Prostate cancer occurs in this gland, though there are different forms of prostate cancer and each may form in a different way majority mainly form slowly and overtime while they do not spread as well.

There are other forms of prostate cancer that develop rapidly and spread viciously as well. This cancer affects men only and usually occurs when the man is middle aged.

This disease can be fatal but not as fatal as other forms of cancer and most men can live with it and actually not die as a result of the cancer.

What Are The Symptoms of Prostate Cancer?

Here are some symptoms;

Urinary Issues

You could have difficulty in urinating, pain in urinating or even the presence of blood in the urine.

Change In Semen Color

The mixture of blood in the semen will change its color.

Discomfort And Great Pains

People with prostate cancer complain of lower body pain. Their lower back, pelvis, hips and legs hurt.

Having Erectile Dysfunction

Having difficulty getting and maintaining an erection us a common symptom.

It is estimated that about 2/3 of men that are diagnosed with prostate cancer exhibit no signs of the ailment.

What Causes Prostate Cancer?

While medical science can only speculate at this point on the actual cause(s) of prostate cancer, studies have however been able to state the issue from a cellular point of view.

In which abnormal cells are developed in the reproductive gland just like other cancer formation.

The abnormal cells tend to spread at a rate that is much faster than normal cells and they accumulate to form tumors.

What Are The Risk Factors?

There are essentially four risk factors and they include;

1.The Age Factor

This cancer is common among men in their middle age – from 50 years and over.

2.The Genetics Factor

A family history of prostate cancer can increase the risk by as much as three times. Where there is an older member of family that has been diagnosed before the person turns 60, then there is a high risk of the disease in that lineage.

3.The Issue Of Race

It is now a known fact that black males are at a higher risk of developing prostate cancer than any other race. Caucasians are in between black men and Asians who have the lowest risk.

4.Obesity Is Also A Factor

Research has now shown that the higher a person’s body mass index the greater their risk of developing prostate cancer.

How Can You Prevent Prostate Cancer?

  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle.
  • Eat well, have a balanced diet daily. Eat foods rich in fatty acids and vitamins.
  • Regular exercises will go a long way as well.
  • Avoid being overweight and obese.


You should also know that an increase in your prostate size does not mean you have cancer. This could be due to benign hyperplasia which affects a lot of men and it is a less harmful medical condition that is common among middle aged men.

Next Article: Ginger Root Kills Ovarian & Prostate Cancer Cells

Source: Healthy and Natural World

2 Responses to “WARNING: Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer You Should Know About”

  1. Diego M Rubinowicz

    May 31. 2016

    I like that you are posting the article to raise awareness about prostate cancer. However, as a urologist, I have some objections regarding patient symptoms/ presentation. You do correctly state that for the most part prostate cancer is asymptotic at presentation. I believe ED and hematospermiaas a presentation of prostate cancer may be misleading, as these are common complaints that are for the most part, NOT related to an underlying malignancy

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  2. Thanks very much for your input Diego M Rubinowicz! It’s greatly appreciated and we are sure the community loves the input as well.

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