Top 5 Toxins That Are Poisoning Our Bodies Daily


There are a lot of products and foods that contain toxins that can poison you without you being aware of it. Check out the article we found at Natural News.

1. Prescription drugs

Overprescribing doctors, with close ties to the Big Pharma are a real treat when it comes to your child’s safety. Writing for Blogs Natural News, Dr. Brent Hunter explained that some of these drugs are the legal versions of addictive street drugs. Take ADHD medication as an example. These commonly prescribed drugs are quite similar to drugs like meth and speed.

2. Monosodium glutamate (MSG)

MSG is a common, artificial food additive with neurotoxic effects. It has been linked to numerous health problems like brain lesions, obesity, malformed organs, abnormal reproductive systems, infertility, aggression, antisocial behavior, and high cholesterol.

3. Processed and fast foods

We all know that processed or fast foods are bad news. They are loaded with artificial synthetic chemicals, preservatives, nitrates and artificial colors and flavors which have been linked to a host of adverse health effects.

4. Toxins in personal care products

When you read the label of personal care products such as body washes, moisturizers, deodorants, and toothpaste, you might not recognize most of their ingredients. When these chemicals seep into the skin, they can cause devastating, long-term effects. Opt for non-toxic, organic alternatives instead.

5. Toxins in Laundry detergent

If your laundry detergent has a strong, nice fragrance, chances are it is packed with cancer-causing toxins. Some of these chemicals can be absorbed through your skin.

Next Article: This Super Green DETOX Drink Will Remove Toxins and EXTRA Body Fat Super FAST!

Read Full Article: Top 10 Toxins That Are Poisoning Your Kids

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One Response to “Top 5 Toxins That Are Poisoning Our Bodies Daily”

  1. Sherry Sanders

    Nov 09. 2016


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