Eat These Foods Together For A Huge Nutrient Absorption – Boost Your Health


Healthy foods are much healthier when eaten together than separately. Check out the article we found at Natural News.

Green tea and lemon

If you are drinking green tea for its extraordinary antioxidant content, you might want to start adding some organic lemon juice to your cup. That’s because Purdue University researchers have discovered that mixing green tea with lemon juice can significantly boost the amount of antioxidants that are available for your body to absorb. The catechins in green tea can help protect your body against cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Olive oil and tomatoes

These two Mediterranean diet staples go hand in hand, and it’s easy to see why. Tomatoes contain antioxidants that can protect your body from disease, and adding a small amount of healthy fat to carotenoid-rich foods like tomatoes can increase its absorption. Try making a simple salad of chopped tomatoes drizzled in extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar to reap the benefits. The lycopene in tomatoes is also better absorbed when they are heated first, so take this one step further and make a tomato sauce or pizza sauce by cooking tomatoes and adding olive oil and fresh herbs like oregano.

Beans and cauliflower

People who follow plant-based diets often rely on beans to get iron, but this type of iron is not as easily absorbed by the human body as iron that comes from meat sources. You can increase your body’s absorption of the iron from beans by consuming a food that is rich in vitamin C at the same time, and cauliflower fits the bill quite nicely. Pair cauliflower with green beans or garbanzos to give your body an iron boost. You can also try other iron and vitamin C pairings, like strawberries with oatmeal.

Next Article: Vegetables As The Ultimate Choice In Low-Net Carb Foods

Read Full Article: Food Mixology: When eaten together, these foods can boost health

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