Homemade Remedies for Back Pain That Actually Work!

back pain

All of us have experienced back pain once in our lives. Unlike the popular belief that we need to rest, it is very important to be active during this period. Over excessive can cause the opposite-it can lead to depression, weakening of the muscles and it can even lead to blood clotting in the veins of the legs. Check out the article we found at Health Care Above All.


In order to be put as a compress, it is necessary to be mixed with bread with vinegar and a little water. You need to add a little finely grinded or chopped nettle. The mixture that is prepared in this way needs to be placed in nylon, even though a towel can also be used.

The painful spot is firstly lubricated with olive oil, and then you can put the prepared remedy. This procedure needs to be applied seven days in a row until the pain completely disappears.

Figs and dried plums

If you make a tea out of 5 dried prunes, 1 dried fig and 1 dried apricot, you will get an excellent natural remedy, which will be more than effective for your pain in the spine.

It is important to soak the given number of fruits in the water until boiling. And then needs to be covered and left to stand for two hours. After that, strain and enjoy this healthy beverage.

Black garlic and potatoes

In order to make a remedy from potatoes and garlic, you need to grind them and add a little salt. When the mixture is thoroughly mixed, a thin layer is applied on the painful area. And is then covered with a sterile gauze pad, the painful spot needs to be allowed to relax during the night.


You need to add 200 ml of milk in 4 mashed garlic cloves. Put everything on a fire to boil, and then you can sweeten it with honey or other sweetener.

It is best to drink 2L of this remedy every single day. Since it is excellent in reducing the back pain. The therapy is not limited, as there is no negative phenomenon from it. This drink can be used as long as your body feels good.


Next Article: 9 Stretches For Complete Lower Back Pain Relief!

Read Full Article:Completely Regenerates, Strenghtens and Heals the Spine: You Need to Write Down the Recipe for This Homemade Remedy

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One Response to “Homemade Remedies for Back Pain That Actually Work!”

  1. TCM Healing Secrets

    Feb 13. 2017

    such a great post

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