Natural Ways to Treat Wounds


There are many types of wounds that can damage the skin including abrasions, lacerations, rupture injuries, punctures, and penetrating wounds. Wounds are easy to cure, but it’s hard to find the right treatment to speed the healing. Treating open wounds avoid causing infections and may have a lighter scar after it heals. Researchers have found effective ways to treat your open wound. You don’t need to speak to a doctor or pay for a large amount to treat it. Just what are your options? Do you even have options? There are many natural ways to properly treat your open wound.

Below is an excerpt of an article that shares natural ways treating wounds:


is a great way to speed up wound healing. According to some findings, honey is actually more effective than antibiotics! In lab tests, honey has been found to kill off the majority of bacterial cells and can prevent infections from occurring in the first place. Make sure you use raw honey to dress your wound


Allicin in garlic has been shown to be as effective as a 1% penicillin solution! It is a great anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal and can help heal almost any wound. Garlic can cause damage to the skin, however, so making sure you don’t leave it on the skin for longer than 20-25 minutes. You can make a mix of 3 crushed garlic cloves and 1 cup of wine, blended, let stand for 2-3 hours and strain. Apply to the wound with a clean cloth 1-2 times a day.


Potatoes can heal wounds? That was the first thing I thought too! Potatoes have this type of gravitational pull which draws out infections from any type of wound or abscess. Make a raw potato poultice with shredded potatoes and maintain this throughout the day, changing it every 4 hours or so (and rinsing with salt water in between). This will ensure that inflammation is reduced and that there will be no chance of infection! To make a poultice, shred raw potato with a grater, and spread this onto a clean cloth. Apply to the affected area, and cover with gauze and then some saran wrap or other material of choice. Leave overnight and remove in the morning. Clean affected area with salty water, cover with clean dressing and continue until healed.

Aloe Vera

We all know aloe vera can help heal burns, but the sap from an aloe vera plant can also be used to treat cuts, scrapes and other sores. Simply cutting off a stalk of the aloe vera plant and applying it to the wound every couple hours can significantly reduce healing time.

Next Article : This Honey Helps Cure Wounds, Eczema and Acne!

Read Full Article : Natural Home Remedies For Wounds

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