The Top Natural Sugar Substitutes


Read the list of natural sugar substitutes. Check out the article we found over at Healthy and Natural World.

Since I remember myself I had a sweet tooth. The sugar crash many people have, not only damages their teeth, but their health too. Sugar doesn’t contain any vitamins or minerals and provides empty calories to our body, that may turn to fat if overly consumed. It may affect our cholesterol and triglycerides levels, and may lead to insulin resistance which can lead to obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Another point is that sugar, due to its powerful effects on the reward system in the brain, can lead to classic signs of addiction.

Some people may opt to use artificial sweeteners as sugar substitutes, however several studies have shown that they can have quite a lot of side effects, and the FDA has established an acceptable daily intake for each artificial sweetener.

In this article I would like to introduce you to natural sugar substitutes, that are healthier alternatives to sugar:

1. Stevia

Stevia is a plant whose leaves have a natural sweet taste and medicinal properties. It has no calories and it doesn’t increase blood sugar levels or cause dental cavities. Stevia is available as a powder or concentrated liquid. Stevia prevents the growth of bacteria and other infectious organisms. It’s also good as an antiseptic mouthwash, improves digestion, and helps strengthen the heart and vascular system. When you buy stevia products look for a minimum of additives in the product, or just add a fresh leaves to a cup of tea. You can also make an extract by adding 1 cup of warm water to 1/3 cup fresh finely chopped stevia leaves. Infuse it for 24 hours, strain into a clean bottle, refrigerate and use to sweeten drinks. Use it within 1 month.

2. Honey

Although honey mostly contains simple sugars and water, it has many medicinal properties, including the ability to heal skin wounds when applied topically, as well as relieving colon ulcers. It is a healthier option due to its levels of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. It also has antibiotic properties and it is rich in antioxidants, making it effective at fighting respiratory infections. Especially good is Manuka honey that contains unique antibacterial and antiseptic compounds that are helpful for stomach ulcers, colds and coughs. Also unrefined honey, which is rich in pollen, can relieve the symptoms of seasonal allergies. Unpasteurized and unfiltered honey is the most nutritious. Store away from light at a room temperature to retain its properties. You can use honey as a simple cough syrup which is rich in vitamin C: combine 1 tsp. of honey with a little bit of lemon juice and grated fresh ginger.

3. Maple Syrup

Maple syrup is a made from the sap of a maple tree. It is rich in compounds that have anticancer and antibacterial properties, as well as manganese and zinc that contribute to heart health, increasing men fertility and protects against prostate enlargement. It also contains much more calcium than honey and less sodium. It has also shown to improve the body’s sensitivity to blood-sugar regulating hormone insulin. When you buy maple syrup look for 100% organic maple syrup. You can add it to coffee, tea, porridge or marinades. You can also drizzle or mix it into sweet potato mash.
For cleansing and detoxing of 1 day fast mix 3/4 cup maple syrup, juice of 3 small lemons, 2 tsp cayenne pepper and 7 cups of purified water. Drink throughout the day.

Read full article: 5 Best Natural Sugar Substitutes

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