Want To Lessen Inflammation In Your Body? Stop Eating These Foods


Not surprisingly, the same foods that contribute to inflammation are generally considered bad for our health. Including sodas and refined carbohydrates, as well as red meat and processed meats. Check out the article we found at Healthy Holistic Living.

1. Anything That can Trigger an Allergy

If you have any sort of allergy, you know that it sets your body off in the wrong way. But who knew this could also affect your body’s inflammation processes in the wrong way? It’s important to make sure that you are not eating anything that your body can’t handle.

2. Fried Foods

You probably already know that deep fried foods are bad for you for other reasons. But they actually do their part in promoting inflammation as well.

It’s in the oil. Most oils used in fried foods are already stripped of their natural nutrients. Whatever might be left over as a result is destroyed in the heat needed to fry the food. What is left is a kind of toxin that overloads the elimination system of the body and causes the inflammation process to go crazy.

3. Processed Foods and Drinks

The same as the oil in fried foods, most things that are processed before being sold in supermarkets end up losing the majority of their nutrients. Pastries, processed soups, fizzy drinks, all of these and more have been altered so that they do more bad to our bodies than good.

Next Article: 32 Alkaline Foods That Help Fight Cancer and Inflammation

Read Full Article: Which Foods Should You Cut to Fight Inflammation

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