5 Things Most People Do Daily That Damage Their Kidneys


It is not just food and drinks that we take can affect our kidneys. Little do we know, there are common habits that we do that can seriously damage and bring risk to our kidneys. Check out the article we found at FHFN.

Eating High Amounts of Sugar

According to some studies, people who drink a few sugary drinks per day, have protein in their urine. This is an early warning sign that something is wrong with the kidneys.

Holding the Urine

Don’t hold your urine because it can increase pressure which can then lead to kidney stones and kidney pressure.

Misusing Painkillers

People often take pain killers more than they should, forgetting about the negative side-effects they have. Excessive use of painkillers can cause serious kidney damage or even kidney failure.

Lack of water

If you don’t drink plenty of water, your kidneys won’t be able to purify the blood and eliminate waste toxins, instead they will start to build up and it will result in serious damage.

Eating High Amounts of Salt

High amounts of sodium can cause damage because it can stress the kidneys and can ellevate the blood pressure. So eliminate salt from your diet or reduce it as much as possible.

Next Article: Amazing Herbs To Cleanse Your Kidneys

Read Full Article: 10 Habits That Can Cause Serious Damage To Your Kidneys!





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2 Responses to “5 Things Most People Do Daily That Damage Their Kidneys”

  1. Judy

    Jun 13. 2016

    You might want to be a little more moderate in talking about salt. Too little is also quite harmful and some of us flourish on quite a bit of unrefined salt.
    You might also want to replace the word ‘alleviate’ with ‘elevate’, which is surely what you mean. I had to chuckle at the thought of blood pressure being alleviated.

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  2. Michelle Doyon

    Jun 13. 2016

    Rachel Doyon-Egosi

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