Boost Your Brain Power By These Tricks


Here are some tricks that can help you sharpen your brain. Check out the article we found over at healthy and Natural World.

Our brain is an amazing organ that acts as a control center by receiving, processing, and sending sensory information throughout our body and controlling our motor function. As we age, our brain starts to lose its ability to process information. Days that we can’t seem to concentrate are more frequently and we tend to forget more. Although age-associated cognitive decline is something we all have to face, there are some natural ways to slow down the process and improve overall brain function:

1.      Exercise Your Body

While you are exercising, your brain releases chemicals which promote neural health and improve your learning process. Increased blood flow and energy levels will help your brain to work faster and more efficiently. While exercising, more oxygen reaches the brain, which reduces the risk of disorders that lead to memory loss.

2.      Exercise Your Mind

Not only physical activity is important, keeping your brain busy and challenge it to learn new things will improve brain function as well. Brain games, learning a new language, participating in social activities, watching television, using the internet, or learning to play an instrument are all good examples to keep your brain busy and active, and will improve overall brain health.

3.      Nutrition

We all know that we have to stay away from sugary beverages and processed foods. A diet based on fruits, veggies, healthy fats such as coconut oil, whole grains, and lean protein are important to give your brain the right building blocks for optimal health.

4.     Eat More Fruit And Vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants. Those phytochemicals protect your brain cells from damage done by free radicals.

5.    Green Tea

Green tea is another sources of healthy, protective antioxidants. Regular consumption may enhance memory, focus, and slow brain aging.

6.     Omega-3 Fats

Omega-3 fats are essential components of our brain structure. It is believed that babies who are breast fed score higher on IQ-tests. Breast milk contains more of those structural omage-3 fats than formula.

Omega-3 fats are essential because your body isn’t capable of making them and we must get them through our daily diet. Low Omega-3 levels have been linked to memory loss and Alzheimer’s. Our brain craves those healthy fats to prevent mental degeneration especially when we are growing older.

7.     Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is closely related to our nerve health. It keeps our mind sharp while we are aging. A lack of this essential vitamin may shrink the brain. Lack of concentration, mental fogginess, and having problems with your memory are all important signs that may indicate a B12 deficiency.

8.     Ketone Bodies And Glucose

But it is not only healthy fats and vitamins your brain needs. Our brain needs glucose, which is converted into energy. The energy is needed for our brain’s normal function. When there is not enough glucose to meet it needs, your brain slowly starves, leading to brain atrophy, memory loss, and eventually you’ll lose the ability to move and talk normally.

But even if you are on a low carb diet, your brain will be able to use another substance that can feed your brain and prevent brain atrophy, and that’s where coconut oil kicks in. Coconut oil can feed your brain and prevent degeneration of brain tissue. Not with glucose, but with the so called ketone bodies. Those are produced when your bodies converts medium chain fatty acids into energy. Not only will those ketone bodies provide your brain with energy, it may even restore and renew nerves after damage.

Read full article: 9 Tricks to Boost Your Brain Power Naturally

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