
Get Rid of Brain Fog In 7-Days With This Food Revolution

Brain fog is commonly explained as the feeling of confusion, forgetfulness and lack of focus. It is also known as brain fatigue. Brain fog can be caused by a number of reasons. Learn ... Continue Reading →

Toxins In Common Foods Can Cause Brain Damage

There are a lot of foods that contain risky and brain-damaging toxins that we usually take. Most of these foods or drinks are most likely to be found in our fridge or kitchen, you might ... Continue Reading →

How You Parent Directly Relates With Your Baby’s Brain Development

Baby brains are like sponges they absorb what they see, hear and feel.  It is more pliable and more vulnerable than an adult’s brain. And, amazingly, a toddler’s brain ... Continue Reading →
How Smartphones Light Cause Risk To Your Body

This is How Your Smartphones Light Affects Your Brain and Body

In this modern day, known as the century of technology, smartphones are widely used. Smartphones are a part of the daily life of almost all the people in the world. The convenience ... Continue Reading →

Study Proves – Certain Exercise Helps Keep Your Brain Up To 10 Years Younger

Exercise benefits the brain in a number of different ways. Improved blood flow to the brain is one way. Exercise can also keep people mentally engaged—by making them learn new things ... Continue Reading →

Brain Injuries And Essential Oils: Here’s What We’re Not Being Told

Essential oils have been a great help in many aspects of our lives and have been used for thousands of years.  They are even talked about in the Bible on many occasions.  Many people ... Continue Reading →

Learn How Turmeric Helps In Healing Damaged Brains

Turmeric is one of the most healthy spices on earth. The bright golden spice is well known to be an effective remedy for inflammation and arthritis. But did you know that this spice ... Continue Reading →

These Foods Help Your Brain Function Well

The brain is an amazing organ in the body and is definitely an extremely important one.  So, it’s super important for us to make sure we are feeding it what it needs. There are ... Continue Reading →

These 2 Toxins Can Cause Brain Cancer

Most people don’t think of brain cancer, when they think of cancer.  However, brain cancer is becoming more and more common. It occurs when abnormal cells develop within the ... Continue Reading →