Habits To Stop Now If You Want To Be Healthy


Learn the list of habits that you need to stop right now if you want to be healthy. Check out the article we found over at Healthy and Natural World.

We may not want to admit it, but most of us have at least one bad habit. Some of these bad habits are just annoying, while others can seriously affect our health. If you are committed to your health, then have a look at the following bad habits to stop right now.

1. Stop smoking

You probably know why smoking is bad for you, but just in case you need an extra push to stop this bad habit then you should be aware that smoking is responsible for several diseases, such as cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, heart disease, as well as premature death.

Tobacco smoke mainly consists of nicotine which is highly addictive, carbon monoxide which is a poisonous gas, and tar which consists of several cancer-causing chemicals.

If you’re a smoker, you know how hard it is to quit smoking. But just to encourage you, 2 weeks to 3 months after quitting, your circulation improves and your lung function increases. one year after quitting – the excess risk of coronary heart disease is cut in half, and five years after quitting, the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and bladder are cut in half, while cervical cancer risk falls to that of a non-smoker. Stroke risk can fall to that of a non-smoker after 2-5 years.

Your family will also benefit from you stopping this bad habit because as second-hand smokers (or passive smokers) they are also exposed to the dangers of smoking.

2. Stop sleep deprivation

When you have a good night’s sleep, you feel more energetic, happier, and better able to function. Yet so many of us don’t get enough sleep: some people are having problems falling sleep, or they wake up frequently during the night with trouble falling back into sleep and thus feel tired throughout the day.

Most adults need eight hours of sleep a night to maintain a good health, but it’s not just the amount of sleep, it’s also its quality. Even napping during the day many benefits and can make up for sleep disorders. If you suffer from insomnia or have problems falling asleep, then short naps will help you to feel more alert and will enable you to function better.

3. Stop eating large amounts of processed foods

Part of living a healthy lifestyle is to pay attention to what you eat. While we all know that consuming more whole and natural foods is good for our health, it’s still impossible for many people to completely avoid processed foods, and for these people reading the label on food products is very important.

Are you one of the people who read the labeling on the food products when you do your shopping? Do you check the ingredients of what goes into your body? Many people don’t do so, and it’s a pity as they don’t realize that some of the common ingredients found in processed foods can be harmful for their health.

You may not see right now the harmful effects of these substances, but it’s the long term and the cumulative effect that counts.

4. Stop mindless eating

The previous habit was about WHAT you eat, however this habit is about WHY you eat. Are you one of those people who need chocolate or ice cream to feel joy or comfort? If it happens too often and you find yourself raiding the fridge for comfort, then you are “emotionally eating”. The link between diet and mood is well known, but do we really turn to foods that make us feel better for the right reasons?

Usually we tend to think that a bad mood, stress and anxiety cause us to eat more and we find a cure in eating. This is true. In fact, if we are honest with ourselves we will find out that too many times we approach the refrigerator looking for something to eat, not because our stomach led us to it, but because we felt internal “tingling” for something to fill us up. You may be dealing with stress at work, or have concerns for the kids or even an unexplained sense of sadness or irritability. This is the reason why so many diets fail – they concentrate on the menu – which is critical but insufficient but they miss the most influential organ affecting our weight – the brain.

Read full article: 10 Habits To Stop Right Now If You Want To Be Healthy

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