Study Shows Cancer Screenings & Treating Cause Higher Death Rate Then The Disease Itself

Cancer is one of the leading causes of deaths in the world. Though very destructive, there are treatments and screening for this disease. Pharmaceutical companies and hospitals claim ... Continue Reading →

Scientist Finds – Mangosteen Kills Breast Cancer Cells In Vitro

Mangosteen’s are widely known in Asian countries not just as delicious fruit, but also as a natural alternatives for different medicines and to treat and prevent several diseases. ... Continue Reading →

Budwig Diet To Stop Cancer Cells Growing And Spreading

The Budwig diet is very known across the globe. It is a diet that involves eating flaxseed mixed with cottage cheese or milk. Flax seeds suggest by laboratory tests to help stop cancer ... Continue Reading →

The Alkaline Diet Everyone Must Have, Especially Someone With A Disease!

Having high alkaline food and liquids are very healthy for the body. Countless research and studies conducted by different researchers proves that cancer cells can’t live in an ... Continue Reading →

6 Of the Worst Cancer Causing Products In Your Home

Modern society and the development of technology has significantly changed our lifestyles.  Meaning that we are constantly under the threat to worsen our well-being by using numerous ... Continue Reading →

Allergies And Cancer Rates Increasing All Because of GM Foods

Genetically modified foods around the world are receiving different criticism and a very bad reputation due to the laboratory results that proves the negative effect of GM foods not ... Continue Reading →

Combine Lemon and Baking Soda For Amazing Cancer Killing Properties

Baking Soda is known to cure, prevent or cure many diseases and has been used for many many decades. It can also be used as a cosmetic tool and in any other ways. Lemon on the other ... Continue Reading →

Prevent Cancer and Obesity With Organic Peaches

Peaches contain a lot of minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and many more. It contains very low calories and does not contain saturated fat. It is usually used in ... Continue Reading →

Studies Prove Brazilian Wasp’s Venom Can Kill Cancer Cells

Wasps are usually called the killer version of bees, but little do people know, there are studies and research conducted that shows the possibility of a Brazilian wasp’s venom ... Continue Reading →