These Foods Help Protects Us From Cancer


Learn the Foods that protects us from cancer. Check out the article we found over at Healthy and Natural World.

It has been proven scientifically: what we eat may cause us cancer. The best American cancer researchers have determined which foods we need to be careful of, and which foods are effective in preventing the disease. Which foods or food components can help prevent colon cancer, breast cancer or stomach cancer?

Foods that protect against cancer development

1. Fiber rich foods

Such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes (such as beans, chickpeas, peas and lentils) and herbs. These foods prevent colon cancer and rectal cancer. There are two types of fiber – soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fiber help reduce the transit time of food in the digestive system, and reduce your exposure to toxic and carcinogenic factors. Soluble fibers are fermented by bacteria in the colon and become short-chain fatty acids, which has a positive effect on the colon cells.

2. Fruits and vegetables

They apparently prevent cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus and stomach cancer (fruits probably also protect against lung cancer). Fruits and vegetables contain plenty of components that help prevent cancer:

2.1. They contain important antioxidants, such as vitamin C and beta-carotene, which help fight free radicals that cause damage to the DNA of the cell. This can lead to cancerous transformation – the process by which normal cell becomes a cancer cell.

2.2. They contain phytochemicals that delay cancerous processes by helping to maintain the normal function of the immune system. They can also repair the damage done to the DNA of the cells.

2.3. They are rich in dietary fibers, soluble and insoluble.

2.4. They are relatively low in calories, so they help to maintain a healthy body weight – a factor which by itself was found to have great importance in cancer prevention.

3. Cabbage family vegetables

Such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, turnips, radishes, mustard greens and roquette. These apparently prevent various cancers and contain anti cancer components that remove pollutants and carcinogens and thus effectively protect against many types of cancer.

4. Onion family vegetables

Such as onion, spring onions, scallions, chives and leeks. These apparently prevent stomach cancer and lung cancer. Vegetables from this family contain sulphur compounds (giving them the unique smell), that encourage creating protective enzymes that neutralize carcinogens and thereby protect against stomach cancer. They also contain quercetin, especially protective against lung cancer.

5. Garlic

Apparently prevents colon cancer and rectal cancer. Garlic contains a unique sulphur compound called allicin. This compound protects colon cells from the toxic effects of cancer-causing chemicals, and even works to stop growth of cancer cells that have already begun to develop. In addition, it was found that garlic works to reduce inflammation in the body that is linked to the development of cancerous processes.

Not only nutrition:

There are more proven factors that reduce or increase the risk of cancer:

1. Exercise: there is convincing evidence that exercise reduces the risk of colon cancer, rectal cancer, breast cancer and endometrial cancer.

2. Body weight and fat: excess body weight and a high percentage of body fat encourage the development of esophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, breast cancer, endometrial cancer and kidney cancer.

Foods that promote cancer development

Read below the brief summary of foods that promote cancer:

1. Alcohol

Increases oral cancer, pharynx and larynx, esophagus, colon, rectum and breast cancer. There are several theories that refer to the fact that alcohol turns into our body to acetaldehyde, a substance that causes a feeling of drunkenness and hangover, and causes irreparable damage to the DNA of the cells. In addition, alcohol increases the absorption of chemicals in our body from other sources such as cigarette smoke. In relation to breast cancer, studies have found that alcohol increases the level of estrogen in the body. High levels of estrogen are known to encourage the development of breast cancer. It has been found that when drinking alcohol on a daily basis, each unit of alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer by 7% -11%.

2. Salt, soup powders, soy sauce, ketchup and processed foods

Apparently they increase the risk of stomach cancer. A link has been found between diet based on foods high in sodium to increased risk of stomach cancer. An epidemiological study published in June 2010 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a diet high in salt can increase in 10% the risk of stomach cancer.

Next Article: The Common Side Effects From Food & How To Fix Them

Read full article: Top 14 Foods That Protect Against Cancer Development

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One Response to “These Foods Help Protects Us From Cancer”

  1. Geoffrey Harris

    Oct 08. 2015

    That yellow color comes from the carotenoid xeozanthin, right?

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