How To Remove and Prevent Kidney Stones Naturally At Home

Kidney Stones

Kidney stones can cause severe pain and other complications in your body. Drinking a lot of water isn’t enough. Natural ways to remove it isn’t that hard. Check out the article we found at Organic And Healthy.



Method of preparation:

  1. First chop the leaves of coriander or parsley in large pieces.
  2. Then, put them in a bowl and pour some water over them in order to cover them.
  3. Place the bowl over heat and boil it for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the bowl from the heat afterwards and leave the mixture to cool.
  5. Strain and refrigerate.


Drink one cup of this mix, cold, daily. You will notice that the color of your urine will change after several days. This is due to the process of cleansing the kidneys and elimination of accumulated poisons.

You can also make a tea from the same ingredients. Simply leave the mixture still and covered for 30 minutes. Then, drink it two times for a month in order to detoxify the kidneys.

Additionally, parsley is also soothing in the case of menstrual cramps and pain. Apart from parsley and coriander, your kidneys will benefit a lot from the detox treatments with lemons, watermelon or apples. Furthermore, olive oil is extremely useful in the process of ejecting kidney stones.

For a few other ideas on how to get rid of kidney stones, check out these articles:

  1. Get Rid Of Kidney Stones With Apple Cider Vinegar
  2. Ginger Tea: Cleanses Liver, Dissolves Kidney Stones & Destroys Colds & The Flu
  3. An Incredible Remedy For Kidney Stones
  4. A Recipe To Get Rid Of Kidney Sand And Stones In 6 Days

Next Article: 5 Things Most People Do Daily That Damage Their Kidneys

Read Full Article: Watch Your Kidneys Stones Coming Out With This Amazing Home Remedy

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One Response to “How To Remove and Prevent Kidney Stones Naturally At Home”

  1. Raluca Ghiban

    Apr 13. 2017

    David Cohen

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