Ingrown Hair and Razor Bumps Remedies


Anyone wants a smooth skin, but ingrown hair and razor bumps ruin it. Here’s a way to get rid of it. Check out the article we found at Everyday Roots.

1. Baking Soda Paste

If plucking the hair really isn’t your thing, simply exfoliate with a baking soda paste. You can of course use the sugar and olive oil scrub as well, but it’s nice to have another tool in your ingrown-hair fighting arsenal. Baking soda is pretty mild and readily available, and will help keep the follicle from getting plugged up while you wait for the hair to break the surface. In addition to this, it can help ease painful inflammation. Apply a little dab of coconut oil (or your chosen mild moisturizer) on afterwards to keep the skin soft.

You will need…

Baking soda
-Fresh water
Coconut oil or mild moisturizer


Mix up enough baking soda and water to form a paste thick enough to be spread around, but not so thick that it just clumps up and falls off your skin. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, and then apply the baking soda paste in a firm but gentle circular motion. Rinse any residue off with warm water and apply the coconut oil or moisturizer (just a teeny tiny bit, you don’t need much!)

2. A Drop of Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a wonderful essential oil to use on something pesky and painful like an ingrown hair. It has powerful antiseptic properties, and may help stave off infection and shorten healing time. It also helps ease discomfort and inflammation. Always make sure to dilute the essential oil before applying it to your skin to prevent irritation, stinging, or an adverse reaction.

You will need…
-2 tablespoons of olive oil (or another neutral oil)
-15 drops of tea tree oil.
-A dark glass bottle
-Cotton swabs

Mix the neutral oil and the tea tree oil thoroughly, and wash the area over the ingrown hair. Using a cotton swab, dab a small amount onto the affected area. You don’t need much. You can repeat this twice daily.

Next Article: Permanent Natural Hair Removal You Can Do At Home

Read Full Article: 5 Remedies to Get Rid of Ingrow Hair and Razor Bumps


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